A possible bug in codec detection
Posted: 2002-10-17 11:38:29
Version 3.4.0 (08/09/2002), Win XP pro
It looks like the prog isn't able to detect movie sound codec when movie is encoded with Lame 3.92 (in combination with XviD). Probably it's due to the tag or something, because WinXp properties say Lame MP3, sound plays fine, but prog doesn't detect it as MP3 - the line for codec stays blank.
It looks like the prog isn't able to detect movie sound codec when movie is encoded with Lame 3.92 (in combination with XviD). Probably it's due to the tag or something, because WinXp properties say Lame MP3, sound plays fine, but prog doesn't detect it as MP3 - the line for codec stays blank.