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[REQ] IMDB database
Posted: 2005-02-01 20:39:12
by hollywood :)
hi all
i'm new
i downlaod ant movies
it was great !
i search for it about 4 month !
but i have dail up connection and i could not import all of the imdb db
any one have imdb db ?
ofcourse not complatelty
Thanks in advance
Posted: 2005-02-01 21:22:51
by Guest
i registered in forum
great place i found
please some body can share his imdb en database ?
please plz
Posted: 2005-02-01 22:10:39
by antp
The goal is to make a list of the movie that you have, not import the whole imdb
Posted: 2005-02-02 15:58:46
by Guest
Dear admin
i have about 1000 movies and i couldn't import one by one
in this reason i want at least a imdb db about 2000 movies not more than it
i didn't see in this site someone share his db
but please help please
Posted: 2005-02-02 16:13:29
by antp
I can't offer a pre-filled database with info of hundreds of movies extracted from imdb or another online database, so the only thing that you can hope is that somebody gives you his database.
Posted: 2005-02-02 20:21:47
by Guest
You might try
The fields might now be a perfect match up but they do translate pretty well.
Posted: 2005-02-04 20:38:42
by Guest
it was great !
thank u very very much for link.
Big Kiss :x
Best wishes for u
and big kiss to admin for his great software.
unfortunetly i haven't any knid of creadit, if i had i probably help him.
most probably in future i'll do it
good jod
Posted: 2005-02-04 20:53:50
by hollywood
unfortunetly it just have name and it didn't have any imdb feilds