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Some questions

Posted: 2005-01-18 22:34:54
by pickhammer7
Hi, Antoine, thank you for this wonderfull program. From version 3.5.0 it is very professional and the imdb script (which I use almost daily) is more robust and powerfull.

I have some questions:

1. Is there a way to sort in reverse order the items when export in HTML? The actual script put at the end the latest titles and I want to put this at the beginning.

2. I use the imdb full genre (like "Action / Thriller / Sci-Fi" for Matrix) and I want to export each title in his own genre. For example, I have a HTML page where I put the main index. From here I want to make links to every single genre (like "Action"). In the individual genre I have all titles which contain the "Action" in the full genre, but a title must be in all genres (so Matrix will be in "Action" page, in "Thriller" page and in "Sci-Fi" page). How can I select the individual genre and to export only this titles? And because there are 21 individual genres, is there a way to automate this task for every individual genre and not doing by hand?

3. If I make a complex selection using more than one "group by" option, I want to save this work for later use. Can you implement the option to save a selection?

Again, thank you.

Posted: 2005-01-18 23:12:40
by antp
1. Not yet. I'll add that in a future version. I wanted to do that for v 3.5 but it will be for the next one I think

2. Currently it is not possible, and I do not know if it will be in a near future. But of course if you use a PHP-based solution for your online list (either that uses the .xml saved by AMC, a custom one based on the HTML export, or a SQL database) anything could be possible.

3. I could add that, but what do you mean by "more than one group by" ?

Posted: 2005-01-19 00:48:39
by pickhammer7
1. Well, that's it. When will be the next one?

2. :mad: I want a HTML solution. Can you sugest some workaround for that, with external programs? Or maybe javascript?

3. Saying I want to select al the titles added in last 3 weeks, but unselect those with rating lower than 6 and select only titles from 2003 and 2004. All these 3 selections can be made using the "Group by" option in 3 steps, but they not remain for ever.

Thank you.

Posted: 2005-01-19 09:01:40
by antp
1. I do not know, sorry

2. If you export a whole list and then process it with something else (either with Javascript when viewing it, or something else before uploading it) it may be possible, but I can't help you about that unfortunately.

3. That could be interesting... I'll maybe not do that using groupby but simply with a search that would allow multiple criterias. But that would be a little heavy to add for next version, so it would also be for later. There are already lots of things to add, so I have to make choices of what I add first.

Posted: 2005-01-20 00:18:01
by Guest
OK, I understand what can be done and what not. AMC is already a beautiful piece of software.

I have another sugestion. When I select "Group by date added" the titles are displayed in the order given by the data. But the data format is LL/DD/YYYY and the titles are not sorted well. They are sorted like this (example from my collection):

1.) 1/10/2005
2.) 1/11/2005
3.) 1/16/2005
4.) 1/4/2005
5.) 1/6/2005
6.) 11/21/2004
7.) 12/31/2004

Could you change the way the data is displayed in a more proper maner, maybe having some options to choose the data format, like the SQL export? The only one which I prefer is YYYY/LL/DD, which give the perfect result for this type of sorting. And could you add this option to the HTML export configuration?

Posted: 2005-01-20 11:23:42
by antp
Since on my PC the dates use the yyyy-mm-dd format I often forget to sort them differently than other strings :D I'll correct that in the version 3.5

Except for the SQL export (as you said) I usually use the format defined in Windows' settings.

Posted: 2005-01-20 13:59:25
by Guest
Wow, it works! I forgoted completely about the regional settings. Thank you, at least I solved one problem. How simple was...