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Twinx template - where dl it?

Posted: 2005-01-15 16:17:21
by Guests
where can i dl the template?
the link posted dont work :°°

thnx all

Posted: 2005-01-15 17:06:08
by antp
it is the file "template from Twink (4).zip" located in the templates folder of AMC

Posted: 2005-06-26 10:55:16
by catch
antp wrote:it is the file "template from Twink (4).zip" located in the templates folder of AMC
And where is the template folder located?
Can anyone give a hint? Maybe a URL to it, if i say PLEASE!!

Posted: 2005-06-26 12:11:58
by antp
c:\program files\ant movie catalog\templates
or something like that