Any way to export only selected group

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Any way to export only selected group

Post by anton »


let's say I did a Group by country ... and I have like 5 different countries there ... I want to export 3 into one html file and other 2 countries into another ..

any way to do it ?

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Post by antp »

I should add this possibility directly into the Export Window, but there is a way to do it :
In the Preferences, in "Movie list", enable the "Checkboxes" option.
Then in the Main window, you have options "Check selected", "Uncheck selected", and "Select group" (when a group is selected in Group Mode).
In the Export window there is then an option to export only checked movies.

Post by Guest »

Thanks a lot.
This is the answer i was looking 4.
Greetz from germany
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Post by AMK4 »

In this same genre, can you also make it possible to export loan lists? For example, when I loan out movies, I'd like to be able to do a printout of those movies being borrowed, with the borrower's name, and the date they were borrowed (there's no way in AMC to add a date of when the movies were checked out - can this be added in the next upcoming version?)

This way, I can hand the borrower a paper copy of all they've borrowed (and I can use it also for my own records, should I not get all the movies back.)
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Post by antp »

That will maybe come later, but for the moment the only thing that you can do is to group by borrower, select this group only and then print it.
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Post by razorax »

So I guess
I should add this possibility directly into the Export Window,
Means that there is currently no way to generate pages grouped by x ??

I would really like to be able to export the database to HTML with different groupings.

Since there is no $$GROUP_BEGIN/$$GROUP_END support in the templates, I guess it is simply not possible.

Looking for another approach.

Is it possible to write a script, which iterates through the different values (e.g. CATEGORY), select all the moves in this category, exports them to a HTML file.

This way I would get N HTML files with each category, and to create an index page would be quite straight-forward.

Any suggestions? Can it be done?
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Post by antp »

I think that some people already made that in Javascript.
But a PHP-based solution is better for that.

Another solution is to make a script with AMC's scripting tool. It should be possible and would probably give a good result...
The only problem will be the images, as they cannot be handled/exported through script.
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Script on collection rather than on movie?

Post by razorax »

First, thanks for a fast reply!
And btw. great tool!

Yea, I saw the PHP solution, but I don't think it is a good solution.

The think is, when using the Ant Movie Catalog, the catalog is maintained using AMC NOT php.

The reason for using php is if the database is stored in SQL and maintained using php.

What I have is a pretty static collection, when I update it, I would like to create "static" pages (HTML) that are easily browsable.

The only reason for putting it into php would be to have advanced search-options, which I don't really care about.

I've been looking a bit into the scripting side.

As far as I can see, the scripts are executed on a "per-movie" basis.
Is there any way to execute a script on a selection?


Code: Select all

function buildTree() : SomeTreeClass;
  myList: SomeTreeClass;
  // for each item in collection do:
  // collect information, add to tree
  Result := myList;

  myTree: SomeTreeClass;
  // iterate thru collection, build information tree
  myTree := buildTree();
  // Create HTML pages
I think using

Code: Select all

and storing content in extern files (XML) is a bit overkill for my usage.

PS: Sorry if the syntax is not strict .ifs, I'm used to different programming languages. ;-)

EDIT: Hey! Just found the "Find Duplicates.ifs", think the problem is solved... ;-)
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Post by antp »

Yes if you check how works "Find Duplicates" it should help you for this task ;)
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Post by razorax »


There is no way to say the last selection has been processed?

So I can't do:
1st movie - initialize arrays + files etc.
for each movie:
add to the collection of data
last movie - create report.

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Post by antp »

The 1st one it is when all variables are empty (as they are not reseted between two movies).
For the last one unfortunately you have to define somewhere the number of movies. But you could, when processing the 1st movie, make an input box that asks how many movies there are, and keep that value.
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