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Small IMDb Script Update (Import Large pic from IMDb!!)

Posted: 2002-10-08 20:44:03
by phaelox
I've been hearing a lot of gripes from ppl i know that use AMC about the fact they're no longer able to import large pictures from IMDb (or actually Amazon). Here's a small addition to get that feature back:
// Picture
LineNr := FindLine('<img alt="cover" align="left" src="', Page, 0);
if LineNr < 0 then
LineNr := FindLine('<img alt="cover" align="left" src="', Page, 0);
if LineNr > -1 then
Line := Page.GetString(LineNr);
BeginPos := pos('src="', Line) + 4;
Delete(Line, 1, BeginPos);
EndPos := pos('"', Line);
Value := copy(Line, 1, EndPos - 1);
Value := StringReplace(Value, 'MZZZZZZZ', 'LZZZZZZZ'); // change URL to get the Large instead of Small image
GetPicture(Value, False); // False = do not store picture externally ; store it in the catalog file
Hope you'll re-add the "IMDb (large pic)" script now. :)

Thanx for a great prog!!

Posted: 2002-10-08 21:26:29
by antp
Really nice ! Thanks !
It is so simple :)

Posted: 2002-10-15 06:11:22
by azpirin
well, i see that from download, changes already have made on the script. however, as of today 10/14/2002, it doesn't work. :??: another thing i noticed was it does not collect rating information??? let me know the update status. thanks and keep up the great work!!!

Posted: 2002-10-15 07:42:02
by antp
What do you mean by "it doesn't work" ?
I downloaded the latest version from my site (from one of the simtel mirrors) to be sure, and the script still works, except for the rating. For this you have to modify line nr 121 :
change this:

Code: Select all

if Pos('awaiting', Line) > 0 then
to this:

Code: Select all

if Pos('awaiting', Line) = 0 then
I should update that

Posted: 2002-10-15 19:10:30
by Guest
my bad, what i meant for not working is that it does not import movie poster and the rating. the rating works after the adjustment from mentioned above.

are there any sites other than the imdb/amazon to import movie posters?
i was wondering if any of above sites can be replaceable for imdb site for movie poster import.

i like the option for video/audio format, resolution, frame rate, file size, and number of disks by looking up a file. i was wondering if some changes can be made for movies with multiple cds. personally, i would like to keep a track of each file sizes instead put a one combined size where ant movie catalog has only one input area for file size. it would be neat if i can keep a track of each cds file size as some movies with multiple cds.

well, keep up the good work. there are people here who appreciate your great work. Thanks~~~ :grinking:

Posted: 2002-10-15 20:32:07
by antp
Covers are taken from IMDB, at least with all movies that I tried and that had a picture on IMDB.

For the file size, there is an option to import it as "SizeCD1+SizeCD2" instead of adding the values. So you see the size of each file.

Posted: 2002-10-26 20:26:08
by PoLoP
j ai tenté la modification mais sans succes pour l import de large picture.
la question que je me pose est ke dois je changer comme indiqué en gras ?!? quelle url indiqué ? ai pas compris dsl...

Value := StringReplace(Value, 'MZZZZZZZ', 'LZZZZZZZ'); // change URL to get the Large instead of Small image

merci de votre aide precieuse :D

un manchot non-avertis en vaut 2

Posted: 2002-10-26 21:00:38
by PoLoP
dsl ca marche tres bien mais le film ke j ai teste n avais simplement pas d image ... vraiment tres bete la gars :D
dsl de la poluttion du forum.

Sinon tant ke j y suis y a t il un empechement technique pour recuperer directement l image sur ( ?!?
ca serait mieux j trouve pask les images importé de imdb avec la modif ci dessus sont un peu crados...

merci pour vos reponse

Posted: 2002-10-26 21:01:05
by antp
The updated script is already included with the current release of the program, or can be downloaded from the site :

Le script mis à jour est déjà inclus avec la version courant du programme, ou peut être téléchargé sur (voir adresse ci-dessus)

Posted: 2002-10-26 21:02:02
by antp
merci de continuer en anglais quand le topic a été créé en anglais :o

Re: un manchot non-avertis en vaut 2

Posted: 2002-10-26 21:03:23
by antp
PoLoP wrote: Sinon tant ke j y suis y a t il un empechement technique pour recuperer directement l image sur ( ?!?
ca serait mieux j trouve pask les images importé de imdb avec la modif ci dessus sont un peu crados...
faudrait que le script relance une recherche sur amazon ce qui impliquerait :
- un temps de récupération des infos plus long
- l'obligation de choisir à nouveau le film parmis les résultats de la recherche sur Amazon.