bug in the spectator rating conversion for AlloCine script
Posted: 2004-11-28 17:18:27
bug: when retrieving the rating reported by spectators on the AlloCine website, there is a conversion error.
The note on AlloCine is x/4, the script converts this on a rate /8 and finally print this in the movie catalog as is (/8), but the rating in the catalog is /10 -> 3/4 means 6/10 :-(
It would be valuable if the media rating is averaged with the spectator one.
bug: when retrieving the rating reported by spectators on the AlloCine website, there is a conversion error.
The note on AlloCine is x/4, the script converts this on a rate /8 and finally print this in the movie catalog as is (/8), but the rating in the catalog is /10 -> 3/4 means 6/10 :-(
It would be valuable if the media rating is averaged with the spectator one.