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[ES] Culturalia+IMDB(batch) UpDate - get the right title

Posted: 2004-11-25 11:56:16
by Val
Hi, I have seen that this script usually dont get the right title for the movie I'm look for. Taking a look at the code I saw that it always get the last movie of the list from Culturalia, so I modify it to get the first movie of the list, take a look.

Change the procedure AnalyzePageCulturalia by this new one:
(Starts at line number 896)

Code: Select all

procedure AnalyzePageCulturalia(Address: string);
  Page: TStringList;
  LineNr: Integer;
  Code: string;
  TitleFound: Boolean;
  TitleFound := False;
  Page := TStringList.Create;
  Page.Text := GetPage(Address);
  LineNr := 1;
  Page.Text := StringReplace(Page.Text, '<br>', #13#10);
  if Pos('No se ha encontrado ningún artículo por título', Page.Text) = 0 then
    TitleFound := True;
    Code := GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(LineNr), 'Codigo = ');      
    Address := (BaseURLCulturalia + '?catalogo=1&codigo=' + Code);

  if TitleFound then
It works for me, at least 80% better than the original, check it.

- Spanish
Hola, he visto que este script normalmente no escoge el título correcto de la pelicula. Echandole una ojeada al código vi que siempre elegía el último título de la lista proporcionada por Culturalia, así que lo modifique para que escogiese el primero.

Cambiar el procedimiento procedure AnalyzePageCulturalia por el código de arriba (Linea 896).

A mi me funciona al menos un 80% mejor que el original.
Espero que sirva, saludos.

Posted: 2004-12-21 09:33:26
by folgui
You're right. I don't use the batch version of script, but your changes work much better than original.

I'll change it in the script thread.

Thank you very much.

Regards, folgui

Posted: 2004-12-21 16:49:51
by Guest
Thanks to you for the script, it saved me from searching one by one more than 600 tittles.

Regards, Val


Posted: 2005-02-17 20:11:05
by vicanna
Os habeis planteado en hacer uno a yo si supiese hacelo lo haria, es de lo mas completo

Posted: 2005-03-16 09:14:20
by Sergiqu
Pues la verdad que etaria bien hacer uno de DVDgo, pues todos usamos el programa para los DVD (supongo)

Posted: 2005-03-18 00:47:25
by folgui

I don't really understand the neccesary of a dvdgo script, the database of is greater than dvdgo, since dvdgo is a market and culturalia is a web page with a database of 99% of all cinema films.

I've just tried 4-5 films that dvdgo answers "no encontrado" while the same search exists in culturalia.

I think that with culturalia and filmaffinity, and in a second place the rest of available spanish scripts cover 99,99% of movies distributed in our country.

Anyway, dvdgo is based on asp and i think it's not simple or perhaps impossible to get info for the movies.

Regards, folgui.

Posted: 2005-03-19 10:22:48
by Guest
I think the best database page in spanish is
with all movies distributed in our country in the last years and a lot of anime/asian films.
I hope someone make a script from this page