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Resize images to a Certain Size (html Output)

Posted: 2004-11-14 20:10:05
by zitroneneis
my question is:
is it possible to write a small part of html code in the "Export to html" page, so that all Images will be resized to the same size (some are too big and mess up my tables) ?

(I'm not a html pro... just think that it was easy to do in former times, when I still new a little more about creating websites)

p.s -- I Know, that I could do this with photoshop e.g but I'm a lazy bone

Posted: 2004-11-14 20:17:51
by antp
There is an option for that in Tools -> Preferences -> Export.
But since it is only a change in generated HTML code, the picture will not be smaller files, and the result looks not as good as if they were resized with an image program that can do bilinear resize (or similar).

Posted: 2004-11-14 21:02:44
by zitroneneis
Thanks a lot for the fast reply.. that's exactly what I was looking for....
(I'm not a Hi-Quality Fanatic und the File size doesn't matter in my case)

p.s I love your Programm....
you Rock :grinking:

resize pictures

Posted: 2004-12-10 16:49:29
by ara50
Personnaly , I use a freeware to convert / resize my pictures.
It is called IrfanView and it can even do it
in batch mode !!!

