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Please, add new future to Ant Movie Catalog
Posted: 2004-11-06 16:19:54
by Alexandr
Hi. I'll be happy, if Ant Movie Catalog will can make screenshot of frames of movies and save it in database.
Posted: 2004-11-06 16:48:59
by antp
I will probably never add this kind of feature since it is quite heavy to do and would not be used by lots of people.
You can easily make screenshots with
Media Player Classic for example.
In a future version I will add the possibility of storing more than one picture per movie.
Posted: 2006-08-10 10:40:29
by LA
[quote]I'll be happy, if Ant Movie Catalog will can make screenshot of frames of movies and save it in database[/quote]
would like to see the same functionality - it is very useful!
(but not to keep several images for one file! to capture screenshots from the movie). see this program & site -, probably it will help you to implement the same!
Posted: 2006-09-28 07:38:14
by elman
Check Media Player Classic, it can make a sheet of screenshots in 1 image, quite useful. However I have slight problem with it, but it's probably problem with codecs. Anyway, in MPC you can find it as 'Save thumbnails...'
Posted: 2006-12-11 12:13:49
by Demonic
elman wrote:Check Media Player Classic, it can make a sheet of screenshots in 1 image, quite useful. However I have slight problem with it, but it's probably problem with codecs. Anyway, in MPC you can find it as 'Save thumbnails...'
if my collection big films-serials and future
what will time make all serials screenshot?
PS sorry my inglish
Posted: 2006-12-19 11:20:08
by elman
Demonic wrote:if my collection big films-serials and future
what will time make all serials screenshot?
If I understood right, you were asking how long will it take to make screenshots, right? Well, I'm not sure if it can be automated, but it takes about 5-10 seconds.