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Cat V3.0 - very fast SQL-Template

Posted: 2004-10-19 14:40:22
by *Guest* - Frau Holle
Cat V 3.0

Because of the great support of AntP, I've decided to give something back and to release my template. I've made this template because the other templates I've tried here are for my 1000 movies too slow.

But the disadvantage of the Cat-template is, that it's not so easy to install it. On my side there is a short installation guideline, available in german and english (klick the english flag). You can find it on on the left side under "Cat V3 download". Standard language is german. So klick the english flag if you want.

The features:
- fast
- search function (actor, title)
- order by categories, medium and countries
- statistics
- ...


Posted: 2004-10-19 18:36:30
by antp
It looks nice ;)

Posted: 2004-10-30 18:40:19
by zile
Very nice. Does it support multiple category, since I have movies which belongs to 2 or more category.
What about seacrh via alphabet e.g: A B C D click on character

Posted: 2004-11-02 11:17:45
by *Guest* - Frau Holle
multiple category: no, no support. maybe in next version, it's not so hard, if somebody else want it, I can do (sepperator is "," like "Action, Adventure?")

alphabet: I don't like that so much and I don't use it. But in the new search function there you can search for the first letter only. A scrollbar will be added, which sepperates the search into categories (only director, actor, movietitle, date, date added, country). It's the same, but nicer, in my opinion.

Looks good

Posted: 2004-11-13 18:18:23
by rolandb5
Hi, your script looks great. Wonder if you want to include the rating in the main screen in the next version. So i can sort on the ratings.

Posted: 2004-11-16 22:20:48
by *Guest* - Frau Holle
3.1 is ready with the new search-engine. I only have to pack and release it :(

You want to sort by rating??? Maybe, if you want, you get it.

Posted: 2004-11-17 17:21:14
by TheRealDeal
Can you release 3.1 ??

tnx in advance

rating would be nice :grinking:

Posted: 2004-11-17 19:01:44
by zitroneneis
Hot Script !!!
Looking Forward to 3.1 .. hope, it'll be even better
I would also like to see multiple category support.
This would make your Script almost perfect....


Posted: 2004-11-18 15:26:37
by Guest
whats your seperator by your multiple categories? "," or ", " ?

Posted: 2004-11-18 21:26:45
by zitroneneis
as far as I understood there isn't any multiple Category Support YET....

But he thinks that it isn't hard to implement this.. and in a future release, when he got some spare time and enough people want it he'll do it....

Posted: 2004-11-19 00:42:58
by Guest
Is possible to run this template in computer? ---IN My LOcal Machine--

I Have tested with EasyPHP but don't work, can you help me.....

Posted: 2004-11-19 14:14:22
by zitroneneis
It works fine on a local machine...
I also use EasyPhp on my PC...
but you have to change 2 lines in the Config...

On his page there is a small tutorial and I the Forum I posted what you
have to change, so that it will work with the actual version of easyphp

Posted: 2004-11-26 21:26:48
by *Guest* - Frau Holle
Multiple Category and other features are completet and coming out with Cat V3.1. Planning Release on sunday. News on

Posted: 2004-11-29 13:15:16
by Guest
zitroneneis wrote:It works fine on a local machine...
I also use EasyPhp on my PC...
but you have to change 2 lines in the Config...

On his page there is a small tutorial and I the Forum I posted what you
have to change, so that it will work with the actual version of easyphp

Where I can find these alterations, already I was to the site and to the forum and I did not find, I do not know speak German, if to be able to help me it was thankful.

Posted: 2004-11-29 17:13:48
by zitroneneis
I'll translate, what I posted into English

Open File: apachephp.ini

Change line 285 like this
Line 285: error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE

and so that the Datail Page works (Popup Window)

Change line 380 like this
Line 380: register_globals = On

aufter that restart your Apache Web Server...

Hope this will work on your machine....

Posted: 2004-11-29 20:25:48
by *Guest* - Frau Holle
Sorry, I've designed Cat only for my personal use. So there are a few things in the scripts, which use my personal settings. So these settings too. On my UNIX-Server these settings are standard.

Cat V3.1 is released, there are no requests open. So the only problem are these personal settings. I've to redesign the script for more flexibility. But I think there are not enough requests. The implementation of Cat is too hard for a many user.

So all I do in future are bugfixes and the extension of the ESP (error searching procedure).

Posted: 2004-11-29 23:37:25
by zitroneneis
As it's really easy to change the Config Files of Apache. I think that it would be wasted work to rewrite your script....
and I can't imagine that anybody would ask you to do this...

by the time.. I tried the script on several Online Internet Servers and it worked on all of them without any problems....

Maybe the creators of easyphp just forgot to change these settings to the Internet standart or they are kind of paranoid and want the nebees to start with those "security dream settings" :-)

Works perfect for me!!!! :grinking:

not files "../geheim/geheimchaos/geheimchaos.php"

Posted: 2004-12-16 14:31:04
by NikLeon2
At attempt of installation and work has come to light, that there is no file "../geheim/geheimchaos/geheimchaos.php". Version CAT 3.1. A question where it it is possible download?