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Posted: 2004-09-23 07:35:56
by SteM
Hi all,
i don't undestand how to use the checkboxes located near the movie title.
Is it possible to read it from a script ?

Is it possible to use them to filter the printing set of movies ?
I'd like to have a new command (other than select/select all) on the context menu (by the right click) on the movies list in the print page to retry the situation of the checkbox and select in the same way the set of movies ....

About report: is it possible, and how, to insert in a template a field like:
if TranslatedTitle <> OriginalTitle then
print TranslatedTitle

Thanks a lot for the program :grinking: !!

Posted: 2004-09-23 11:18:55
by antp
They were added on request in version 1.1 or 2.0 or something like that, for the export. Printing and Scripting have been added later, and used selected movies rather than checked movies.
In version 3.5 in the Export and in the Printing windows you can chose to include all movies, checked movies or selected movies.
This will be added to Scripting too.
And the "checked" field (the checkbox) can be controlled through script too.
If you want, you can try the version 3.5 as it is currently (under development), but be careful since files saved by 3.5 will not be readable by 3.4 and older.

For the other question, about report, it is possible; see this topic that will probably help you for that : viewtopic.php?t=544

Posted: 2004-11-09 11:16:30
by rickympl
I have a question that is also related to checkboxes.
Is it possible to have ant movie catalog sort the movies according to whether or not is has a check, for instance i use the checkboxes to show that i have seen the movie and i would like to sort the list according to whether i've seen it or not.
If this is not possible in v 3.4.3, will it be available in future releases?

Thank you, and love the prog, keep up the good work.

Posted: 2004-11-09 12:50:43
by antp
In version 3.5 it is possible to search for checked or unchecked movies, or to sort by this field when exporting/printing

Posted: 2004-11-09 16:05:03
by rickympl
Thanks for the fast reply, but what I mean is; if it would be possible to add this into the "group by" section in the program itself without having to export.

Thank you.

Posted: 2004-11-09 16:36:27
by antp
sure, I'll add it ;)
what I said was for the version 3.5 alpha on the link posted on this topic, but before the final 3.5 I will add it to the group by.

Posted: 2004-11-09 17:23:53
by rickympl