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imdb small pictures script

Posted: 2004-08-17 15:57:40
by Guest
I alway use import from imdb with small picture

but now i can't import it with a small picture....
i have to use imdb with a large picture, and than i have to resize the pictue...

not that's any problem for me but it's easier to import from imdb with a small picture


Posted: 2004-08-17 17:52:42
by antp
I guess that IMDB changed something.
I will correct than when I've few time, before end of week.

Posted: 2004-09-19 13:48:08
by antp
I could not reproduce the problem, I do not know if IMDB changed something again (back to old page style) or if the problem only occurs with some movies.
So if some people could try the IMDB script from here :
and notify me if problems are still found or not.