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Suggestion; Mysql upload support
Posted: 2002-09-14 18:28:27
by watchout
First off I would like to thank you for the great software u have made..
It's exactly what I was looking.. Although I like to make one suggestion;
Would it be possible to implent some sort of feature which enables me to add new entry's straight into a Mysql database.. So if I make a new entry and click export it can upload the new entry's right away into the database.. That way it would be more easily to update my list online..
Let me know what u think of it
Thanks man
Posted: 2002-09-14 18:32:48
by antp
I wanted to do that, but MySQL most serveurs refuse connections from other servers (even non-free servers)
Posted: 2002-09-14 18:39:44
by watchout
Hmm.. Never thought of that really..
Well.. this way is also alright though.. Thanks for the speedy reply
Posted: 2002-09-30 20:39:08
by El Ga
It would be a VERY NICE feature, to update online MySQL databases directly from te program...
I don't understand how can the program Dreamweaver MX work with databases, if you say the servers refuse te conection....
Posted: 2002-09-30 21:05:47
by antp
Maybe that some expensive or individual server accept it, but the few pay host that I know (those that are cheap, e.g. the one I use) do not accept that, probably because they are server where multiple accounts share the same machine.
Posted: 2002-09-30 21:16:42
by El Ga
I had that kind of problem with DreamWeaver.... I had to change the user's restriction, in order to give permission to enter the database from somewhere else than "localhost"...
And now, I can work with my MySQL database from DreamWeaver...
If you ever want to test this option, let me know (, since I could help you test this feature with diferent user's permissions...
Posted: 2002-09-30 21:39:46
by antp
You have to change that on the server I guess ?
Actually to test it I may simply install a MySQL server on a PC on the local network.
I will see if this is easy to add in a future version.
Posted: 2002-10-14 15:19:30
by watchout
After a bit of thinking and coming back to this thread I had a little idea.. What about making a php script and upping that on the server where the mysql database is.. Then u upload the info through the script. I am not really familiar with PHP but I guess something like that could be managed.. I'll see if I can find someone who is more into php scripting
Posted: 2002-10-14 15:23:07
by watchout
To those who didn't totally understood what I meant above:
Ant Movie Catalog --> php script --> mysql database
So.. Then the mysql database excepts the connection from the php script while u are sending the info from ur own pc.. (It's like logging into the mysql database through the script)
Hope this helps it a bit better to understand what I mean
Posted: 2002-10-14 15:26:13
by antp
I do not really see what's the advantage of this solution
If you upload the SQL scrit with PHPMyAdmin it will work, no need to write a script for that
Posted: 2002-10-14 15:31:29
by watchout
uhm.. U don't need to go through the hassle of uploading it through phpmyadmin.. U only need to hit "upload" in AMC and ur list is updated...
Posted: 2002-10-14 16:55:21
by antp
It could be done in two times :
- upload the script (php + sql)
- call the php script
But for that I'll have to add FTP support to the program
Not really difficult but it will make the program even bigger
I will see in a future version, I should try to make a "plugins" system
Posted: 2002-10-14 18:15:59
by watchout
A "plugins" system would be excellent.. So only the people who like to use this feature have to download/use it..
Posted: 2002-10-14 20:46:48
by zion
antp wrote:I wanted to do that, but MySQL most serveurs refuse connections from other servers (even non-free servers)
Posted: 2002-10-14 20:51:08
by antp
zion wrote:antp wrote:I wanted to do that, but MySQL most serveurs refuse connections from other servers (even non-free servers)
It did not exist when I wrote this post
Posted: 2002-10-14 20:53:18
by zion
Now it does
How about FTP?
Posted: 2004-11-23 09:19:53
by Wermine
I don't know is this what you think, but internal ftp would be nice. I use only html and I have to frist export database to html file and then open my ftp program and upload it into net. If Ant Movie Catalog would have internal ftp, which uploads while it exports, it would be nice. Thanks.
Posted: 2004-11-23 09:21:10
by antp
It is planned since long time, but I still haven't added it