Version 3.4.3

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Version 3.4.3

Post by antp »

This version was not really expected, but since version 4 takes much more time that what I was hoping, I had to release a new version to correct the bug that lots of Pentium 4 owners had (program that refused to start, or that was rather unstable).
If you were using the program with the "Windows 98 compatibility" option, you can upgrade to new version and disable this option.

There is no new feature, only this bug correction (and a small other one :D).

I also changed the license: the program is now opensource ! (GPL)
That does NOT mean that I stop working on it. Actually I wanted to make version 4 opensource, but there is no real reason to not do that for the current version too. The only problem was that it was not easy to recompile due to some missing/changed files. But I had to work on that to correct the "Pentium 4 bug", so here is it.

See for more info
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Post by antp »

I corrected two small bug.
The first one was new to version 3.4.3 : the program was not remembering the last HTML template and the last script used.
The second one was only occuring on FAT16/FAT32 drives : scripts and templates lists were not sorted alphabetically (seems that the problem was not occuring on NTFS drives that return folders contents already sorted).
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Post by antp »

Three small bugs corrected.
- If you clicked "Cancel" when asking if you want to save file, the filename was lost and sometime it did not detect that the file was still modified.
- The import window had some visual problems when resized.
- When changing the title of a movie and having the list sorted by title, the selected movie was not always visible.
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Post by antp »

I updated the program installation and .zip file for IMDB modifications (if you already downloaded the new version of the script that I posted recently, there is nothing new) and some other new scripts.
Since only scripts have changed, you can download them from
You can also download the whole installation, if you prefer, from
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Post by antp »

Update for few new scripts, a small bug corrected, some scripts updated, and the Croatian translation update.
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Post by antp »

Again an update for the scripts, and to add a Lithuanian translation.
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Post by antp »

and again an update of some scripts :D
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Post by antp »

and again, but this time the .exe has also been updated to correct small problems found with MonsieurCinéma's script. I hope that it will not break any old script. If you find a script that was working with previous 3.4.3 version but not with this one and that is not update on this page, please contact me
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Post by antp »

I should have waited longer before previous update: IMDB site changed the same day, so I remade the install package to included latest version of IMDB script. At the same time I also fixed a bug introduced in previous update: values automatically added to the drop-down lists of movie fields were not saved.
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Post by antp »

Again a script update, mainly for the IMDB script.
The script seems to be outdated again, but fortunately the script I made for version 3.5 (which is nearly finished) still works.
So I include now a conversion of this script. This new IMDB script replaces the four previous IMDB scripts since you can select the picture size and the batch mode option by modifying the script.
Within AMC's script window click "Editor" then follow what's written in the comments of the script.
By default it gets a large picture when available from IMDB (that's new, in previous script it was search on Amazon).
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