[REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.1 released
Posted: 2020-06-27 16:04:55
Please don't public these on script folder, this is only an open beta!
Download release 1.5.8, if something does not work you can rollback at 1.5.3 (stable).
Unzip all the files in your script directory (based on your OS and preferences, it could be this dir: C:\ProgramData\Ant Movie Catalog\Scripts )
What you get:
- 6 new .ifs files (ItalianMultisite (IT).ifs , MyMovies Shared (IT).ifs , ComingSoon Shared (IT).ifs , FilmTv Shared (IT).ifs , FilmScoop Shared (IT).ifs , KultVideo (IT).ifs)
- 8 new .pas files (ItalianSharedPas.pas, ItalianMultisitePas.pas , MyMoviesPas.pas, FilmTvPas.pas, ComingSoonPas.pas , FilmTvPas.pas , FilmScoopPas.pas , KultVideoPas.pas , ImdbPas.pas)
The pas files are units, the ifs are the scripts. You get 1 new script "ItalianMultisite (IT).ifs" and 5 scripts: these ones are new version of existing italian scripts, they are rewritten in main program + external pas file. The external pas file of these scripts are also used by "ItalianMultisite (IT).ifs", so I called these scripts "shared edition" because they share their own unit. If a user prefer using on ComingSoon, he can use "ComingSoon Shared (IT)", when the code will be updated (the unit pas) then also ItalianMultisite will be updated because it shares the same unit.
Why this script? Just 2 words on "italian scene": you american / english people have imdb, you look for a movie with imdb script and you are done, you a catalog with full details, actor roles, all fields filled. In Italy we have more sites but they don't have all movies inside so you have to do more and more searches to get italian detail (you known, decription and comments): when you find the righe movie page often you miss all details, the cast is reduced to few actors, the poster is in low definition, and so on ... So, after a long search through different sites/script, you have to repeat the search with IMDB to have full details, leaving description and comments in italian language.
This is a big pain in out italian asses and a lot of time wasted!
And that's why I wrote this script!
The script performs a full search through the main italian sites until it found a movie url with description field fulfilled, then it ask IMDB to overwrite all the fields except description and comments.
You can set your preferences in parameter script about which italian site ask first (set a priority value from 1 to 9, bigger numbers are served first) or you can choose to skip a site (set the priority value to 0).
About IMDB you can use IMDBFinalSearch to skip IMDB site (value = 0), to use it only in invisible/automatic mode (value = 1), or always use (value = 2). The invisible/automatic mode does a research of movie in IMDB and double check title, director and year: if they are similar / matches then the script use that infos without no user popup. If the automatic search fails, if you set IMDBFinalSearch to 2 then the script perform a standard search and it will ask user (popup) to confirm selecting the title from the found ones.
The script also include all parameters and options of the used script, so you will have all IMDB options too. Consider some of them are not working, as (IMDb) BatchMode or ComingSoonMode (when set to 1), there is some work to do. Also consider there are limitation due the design / approach choosen: the unit are shared by they have duplicated functions/procedure/vars, the IMDb is copied and pasted inside a unit without changing a single line (so we can update it in few seconds when the original IMDb script will be updated) but doing so we can't modify its behaviour. There are bugs, of course, this is a beta and the worst problem is debugging because Ant or FreePascal or the SDK used does not help when you make an error inside a unit (sigh!).
That's all folks, have nice testing ...
20/08/2020 v1.5.8: highly improved IMDb support (some option/parameter must be fixed), improved UTF8 decode to CP1252
13/07/2020 v1.5.7: improved ComingSoon crawler: no more "too many requests" (but you have to change user agent in your lng file)
10/07/2020 v1.5.6: improved ComingSoon series / seasons support
09/07/2020 v1.5.5: added pagination for each site, improved search parameters
08/07/2020 v1.5.4: added MoviePlayer, minor fine tunings
06/07/2020 v1.5.3: fine tuning, minor fixes
04/07/2020 v1.5.2: stable again! Totally usable version, (almost) bug free
04/07/2020 v1.5.1: functions and variable renaming (no more conflicts), bug fixes
04/07/2020 v1.5.0: huge code changes, all pas now use a new common pas, ItalianSharedPas. Added new option, UseUrlField, based on old ComingSoon mode option. Minor improvements and bug fixes
30/06/2020 v1.0.5: added IMDBGetAllTitles option to retrieve all titles (alfa! this will probably change in the next releases!)
29/06/2020 v1.0.4: improved use of year and director prefilled fields, improved comingsoon searches, fix debug method
29/06/2020 v1.0.3: improved utf8encoding, fix cancel button bug
28/06/2020 v1.0.2: bug fix, KultVideo added
Download release 1.5.8, if something does not work you can rollback at 1.5.3 (stable).
Unzip all the files in your script directory (based on your OS and preferences, it could be this dir: C:\ProgramData\Ant Movie Catalog\Scripts )
What you get:
- 6 new .ifs files (ItalianMultisite (IT).ifs , MyMovies Shared (IT).ifs , ComingSoon Shared (IT).ifs , FilmTv Shared (IT).ifs , FilmScoop Shared (IT).ifs , KultVideo (IT).ifs)
- 8 new .pas files (ItalianSharedPas.pas, ItalianMultisitePas.pas , MyMoviesPas.pas, FilmTvPas.pas, ComingSoonPas.pas , FilmTvPas.pas , FilmScoopPas.pas , KultVideoPas.pas , ImdbPas.pas)
The pas files are units, the ifs are the scripts. You get 1 new script "ItalianMultisite (IT).ifs" and 5 scripts: these ones are new version of existing italian scripts, they are rewritten in main program + external pas file. The external pas file of these scripts are also used by "ItalianMultisite (IT).ifs", so I called these scripts "shared edition" because they share their own unit. If a user prefer using on ComingSoon, he can use "ComingSoon Shared (IT)", when the code will be updated (the unit pas) then also ItalianMultisite will be updated because it shares the same unit.
Why this script? Just 2 words on "italian scene": you american / english people have imdb, you look for a movie with imdb script and you are done, you a catalog with full details, actor roles, all fields filled. In Italy we have more sites but they don't have all movies inside so you have to do more and more searches to get italian detail (you known, decription and comments): when you find the righe movie page often you miss all details, the cast is reduced to few actors, the poster is in low definition, and so on ... So, after a long search through different sites/script, you have to repeat the search with IMDB to have full details, leaving description and comments in italian language.
This is a big pain in out italian asses and a lot of time wasted!
And that's why I wrote this script!
The script performs a full search through the main italian sites until it found a movie url with description field fulfilled, then it ask IMDB to overwrite all the fields except description and comments.
You can set your preferences in parameter script about which italian site ask first (set a priority value from 1 to 9, bigger numbers are served first) or you can choose to skip a site (set the priority value to 0).
About IMDB you can use IMDBFinalSearch to skip IMDB site (value = 0), to use it only in invisible/automatic mode (value = 1), or always use (value = 2). The invisible/automatic mode does a research of movie in IMDB and double check title, director and year: if they are similar / matches then the script use that infos without no user popup. If the automatic search fails, if you set IMDBFinalSearch to 2 then the script perform a standard search and it will ask user (popup) to confirm selecting the title from the found ones.
The script also include all parameters and options of the used script, so you will have all IMDB options too. Consider some of them are not working, as (IMDb) BatchMode or ComingSoonMode (when set to 1), there is some work to do. Also consider there are limitation due the design / approach choosen: the unit are shared by they have duplicated functions/procedure/vars, the IMDb is copied and pasted inside a unit without changing a single line (so we can update it in few seconds when the original IMDb script will be updated) but doing so we can't modify its behaviour. There are bugs, of course, this is a beta and the worst problem is debugging because Ant or FreePascal or the SDK used does not help when you make an error inside a unit (sigh!).
That's all folks, have nice testing ...
20/08/2020 v1.5.8: highly improved IMDb support (some option/parameter must be fixed), improved UTF8 decode to CP1252
13/07/2020 v1.5.7: improved ComingSoon crawler: no more "too many requests" (but you have to change user agent in your lng file)
10/07/2020 v1.5.6: improved ComingSoon series / seasons support
09/07/2020 v1.5.5: added pagination for each site, improved search parameters
08/07/2020 v1.5.4: added MoviePlayer, minor fine tunings
06/07/2020 v1.5.3: fine tuning, minor fixes
04/07/2020 v1.5.2: stable again! Totally usable version, (almost) bug free
04/07/2020 v1.5.1: functions and variable renaming (no more conflicts), bug fixes
04/07/2020 v1.5.0: huge code changes, all pas now use a new common pas, ItalianSharedPas. Added new option, UseUrlField, based on old ComingSoon mode option. Minor improvements and bug fixes
30/06/2020 v1.0.5: added IMDBGetAllTitles option to retrieve all titles (alfa! this will probably change in the next releases!)
29/06/2020 v1.0.4: improved use of year and director prefilled fields, improved comingsoon searches, fix debug method
29/06/2020 v1.0.3: improved utf8encoding, fix cancel button bug
28/06/2020 v1.0.2: bug fix, KultVideo added