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Twink Template #4

Posted: 2004-01-13 19:43:00
by scottdw
I am using the template from Twink (4) and it is awesome. The only problem I am having is whenever I goto sort on something, say the Title, I click on the Title bar and it sorts correctly but changes the name from Title to null, if I click it again it sorts it the other way but the bar still says null. This happens when I try to sort from any field.

I have not changed the script at all.

Any help would be great.

Posted: 2004-01-15 12:54:16
by scottdw
Anyone have anything I can try????

Posted: 2004-04-19 09:28:04
by Guest
Hi there...

I have solved the same problem with on small change in the movies.js

-- FIND --

Code: Select all


  //Hides the sort triangle
  function hideSort(){
     var HTML = "<div class = 'boxbordercontent'><div class = 'boxcontent'><b> ";
     HTML += lastSortedBy.text;
     HTML += "</b> </div></div>";
     lastSortedBy.innerHTML = HTML;

  //Displays the sort triangle
  function showSort(column){
   var HTML = "<div class = 'boxbordercontent'><div class = 'boxcontent'><b> ";
   HTML += column.text;
   HTML += " <img src='pics//"+(sortAsc!=true?"down":"up")+".png' width='8' height='8'>";
   HTML += "</b> </div></div>";
   column.innerHTML = HTML;

Code: Select all


  //Hides the sort triangle
  function hideSort(){
     var HTML = "<div class = 'boxbordercontent'><div class = 'boxcontent'><b> ";
     HTML += lastSortedBy.innertext;
     HTML += "</b> </div></div>";
     lastSortedBy.innerHTML = HTML;

  //Displays the sort triangle
  function showSort(column){
   var HTML = "<div class = 'boxbordercontent'><div class = 'boxcontent'><b> ";
   HTML += column.innertext;
   HTML += " <img src='pics//"+(sortAsc!=true?"down":"up")+".png' width='8' height='8'>";
   HTML += "</b> </div></div>";
   column.innerHTML = HTML;
as you can see it is only the word "inner" that is to be put in in front of "text"


Posted: 2004-04-19 13:20:46
by scottdw
Thanks for the work and the reply but now after the changes have been made the bars show undefined instead of null.

Any ideas???