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Picture doesn't load from IMDB: Trail of the Pink Panther

Posted: 2004-01-12 21:41:06
by Guest
using latest imdb large image script and image doesn't load for: Trail of the Pink Panther

23.1 KB (23,677 bytes) IMDB (large pic).ifs is the script I use.

any ideas?

Posted: 2004-01-12 22:52:21
by antp
It has already been said somewhere else on the forum, but I still did not had time to check that ;)

Posted: 2004-01-13 01:44:05
by Guest
it was me ;-) I just moved the post like you suggested.. other was in "Bugs", now I'll put script bugs here..

Posted: 2004-01-14 03:56:41
by Guest
Title: Thirteen at Dinner

shows a similar symptom, although loads some picture eventually..
