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Icon set and permission?

Posted: 2003-11-25 00:27:28
by Mystiqq
Im curious that did you make those icons on the Renamer your self?
Also im asking your permission to use those icons on BSplayer skin that im working on just for fun(and i need some efficient and "smart" looking skin for it. :) Theres some cool icons which i could use and im also going to make some more of the same style...


Posted: 2003-11-25 08:32:05
by antp
The icons that I use come from Scrows Icons :

On the "about" page he wrote :
Can I use you icons on my personal home page?
Yeah, sure, even drop me a line with the URL. Just remember to give me credit and a link back somewhere on the page. There's even a button you can use.
I do not know what about a program.
I asked him few times long time ago, but I got no anwsers :(


Posted: 2003-11-26 16:10:51
by Mystiqq
Hmm... I might try and ask if he would mind.. thou ive edited the icons pretty roughly and only one icon is original.
Thanks for that site, ive been trying to find some cool looking (inspirational) icons to give some good ideas :)
