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Help with linking in description field
Posted: 2003-11-23 17:20:42
by Zilwer
Hi I use an IMDB script, and in the discription field, when you have exported it you have 2 links to plot summary and trailer, but the links isnt working it refers to my own hd, i want em to link to the imdb links.
COuld anyone help me out here!
Posted: 2003-11-23 17:37:26
by antp
What do these links look like in your catalog ?
Posted: 2003-11-23 17:58:43
by Guest
This is the discription of 2 Fast 2 Furious
The more and view trailer is in blue text just like the discription in the real page on IMDB
Set in Miami, Officer O'Conner, stripped of his badge, is recruited to infiltrate the Miami street racing circuit in an effort to redeem himself. (more) (view trailer)
If i press any of the links it refers to the place my catalog is in, but i instead want it to refer to in this case
(More) should link to
(view trailer) should go to
mikael Frödin
Posted: 2003-11-23 21:38:17
by antp
I mean, can you copy/past here what appears in the "description" field in AMC ?
And which script do you use ? Not the default one that comes with AMC I guess