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[FR] & [US]help - aide

Posted: 2003-11-22 12:10:28
by stekam
------ english ------
To have all the movies comes from the same scripts , for example dvdrfr + allociné

does anyone have wroten a script that allow to run the script
dvdrfr + allociné on all movies of a collection ?????

If anyone could you please send me the code of the scripts ... thx

If you are fluent in script writing maybe you could wirte it for me ....
--- french ---
afin d'harmoniser ma liste et avoir des films dont les données viennent toutes du même site, quelqu'un aurait il ecrit un script qui permet, pour tout les films d'une collection d'executer le même script ?????

merci de partager ce script si vous en avez un pareil ?
ou si vous etes doué en ecriture de script, pourriez vous le l'ecrire ?

Posted: 2003-11-22 13:07:09
by antp
:??: you just have to select all the movies then go to Tools -> Scripting and select the script. It will be applied to selected movies.

Posted: 2003-11-22 13:23:19
by Guest
antp wrote::??: you just have to select all the movies then go to Tools -> Scripting and select the script. It will be applied to selected movies.

Ok thx