fast template for 1000+ movies?
Posted: 2003-11-12 21:02:23
i was wondering if anyone has written a tamplate that could load a db with over 1000 movies quite fast ?
i mean, does any template has option to divide a db into more .html files or something like this? (lets say one file for 'A' letter, another for 'B')
I think it would help a lot, because loading a html file 1mb size is ...hmmmm not quite optimal
i was wondering if anyone has written a tamplate that could load a db with over 1000 movies quite fast ?
i mean, does any template has option to divide a db into more .html files or something like this? (lets say one file for 'A' letter, another for 'B')
I think it would help a lot, because loading a html file 1mb size is ...hmmmm not quite optimal