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Posted: 2005-12-27 17:32:41
by Teebee
Thats weird, because i installed it on 3 other computers right here at home, and they all seem to work fine.
I once had the same problem, but i just had to disable NIS to get data from moviemeter.
Now i added it to the allowed sites in NIS and it works like a charm.
I assume you're using the latest version of AMC. Its weird nonetheless.
Posted: 2005-12-28 17:27:54
by digiworld
It's working now!!!
This is what caused the problem: In deed it was NIS (2006). I thougt i had made a rule to alow the site, but i didnt.
Now, when i want too import INFO, i completly disable NIS(2006) and it works fine.
Now i want to know how do i make a rule so i dont have to disable NIS(2006) completly?
Thanks everybody for thinking along with me and sorry for me being stupid....
Posted: 2005-12-28 19:30:18
by antp
You made rules for both "" and "" ?
Posted: 2006-04-17 15:56:57
by namruuh
The script doesn't load alternative titles when says there's more then 1 alternative title.
If there's only one alternative, the script works like a charm.
I would prefer if the script would load the first alternative title available if possible? The titles are seperated by a comma.
It problably has something to do with this line:
Code: Select all
Line := TextBetween(PageText, '<p>Alternatieve titel: ', '<br />');
Because when there is more then 1 alternative title, the text would be:
Code: Select all
Line := TextBetween(PageText, '<p>Alternatieve titels: ', '<br />');
Mind the 's' behind the word 'titel'. So I guess some kind of if-then-else statement should be added here? Don't shoot me if this doesn't make any sense, I'm not a programmer
Posted: 2006-04-17 16:17:19
by antp
You can give an example of movie of each? So I can quickly correct the script without search for movies with alternative title(s)
Posted: 2006-04-17 17:00:35
by namruuh
antp wrote:You can give an example of movie of each? So I can quickly correct the script without search for movies with alternative title(s)
This is a movie with one alternative title
This is a movie with 2 alternative titles
Posted: 2006-04-17 19:25:40
by antp
So here is the modified code block:
Code: Select all
// translated title
Line := TextBetween(PageText, '<p>Alternatieve titel', '<br />');
if Line <> '' then
Line := TextAfter(Line, ': ');
if Line <> '' then
SetField(fieldTranslatedTitle, Line);
I also updated it on
Posted: 2006-04-17 19:50:58
by namruuh
Thanks for the quick fix, it works perfectly!
Posted: 2006-07-29 18:17:45
by Freak
Mmm, anyone else having trouble with this script??
It doesn't work anymore for me
Posted: 2006-07-29 19:17:57
by antp
And you say that just after that I updated AMC install?
I could have updated it at the same time
Well, I'll check that tomorrow if I have time and if nobody does it before.
Posted: 2006-07-31 17:55:26
by alteba
antp wrote:For me the script included with AMC still works... for which movie do you have this problem?
This was a reply to the question from TeeBee Posted: 2005-06-04 17:10:19.
I get the same error in category too.
I read the topic completely and know there should be a newer script at:
But if you click the link you will see that there is a StringUtils1.pas but no moviemeter (NL).ifs.
Futheron there wasn't an solution posted on the question from teebee
The original setup doesn't contain the newest moviemeterscript.
Could you please post the new script again? at:
Posted: 2006-07-31 21:41:29
by antp
Actually the latest available moviemeter scripts is included in the setup, and it was updated long time ago and so removed from the /scripts folder of the URL above.
Posted: 2006-07-31 22:08:31
by alteba
Dear AntP,
Thanx for the swift reply.
I took the afford to download the manual installer, so I could extract the moviemeter (NL).ifs manually. The archivepackage contained version 2.4
After copiing the new moviemeter.ifs to the scripts folder in the orginal installation folder, the problem still exists.
So I decided to backup the database, de-install ant catalog. Deleted all content of the ant catalog folder en re-installed an brand new one.
But still the problem exist......
I took a screendump, click on
As you can see it is still there.
And take a look at the regisseur section. It tells me how many votes this movie has.
Do you have any idea how to solve this?
Thanks for your reply.
Bastards ;-)
Posted: 2006-07-31 22:10:48
by lpquartel
Seems like MovieMeter adjusted some things to their website.
The solution to my issue (and yours) is fairly simple.
Edit the MovieMeter (NL).ifs script and replace the line:
Code: Select all
Line := Page.GetString(Page.Count-1);
with the line:
Code: Select all
Line := Page.GetString(Page.Count-2);
Previously, the script source would have probably been coded on one line, it is now on three lines, which requires your to select the second-last line of the page to have the correct address.
Send me an e-mail if you'd like the corrected script.
Have fun!
Posted a working version for you at my website as well:
Posted: 2006-07-31 22:27:20
by antp
alteba wrote:The archivepackage contained version 2.4
After copiing the new moviemeter.ifs to the scripts folder in the orginal installation folder, the problem still exists.
I never said that this script was working, I just said that it was the latest one that existed, to reply to your question:
Could you please post the new script again?
But now as lpquartel suggested a change for the script, you will be able to fix it. I'll also put it on my server (/temp/scripts) as there is something new...
Posted: 2006-08-01 18:50:54
by alteba
The new script really solved the problem.
I'm not just to such swift replies.
Great thanx!!!!
To you too, ipquartel....thnx
tip: update the setup...
Posted: 2006-08-01 18:56:31
by antp
alteba wrote:
tip: update the setup...
not for just one script
Posted: 2006-08-02 16:30:07
antp wrote:alteba wrote:
tip: update the setup...
not for just one script
Maybe you could build a setup that can download all the content of
the FTP directory : in order to integrate a kind of an auto-update option in the setup.
Posted: 2006-08-02 20:38:58
by antp
Actually I wanted to include this in AMC: add an "update" feature to the scripts window (or to the whole AMC install).
I could also make a small external tool to update AMC, or use one of those that exist, which would be easier...
Posted: 2006-08-08 10:02:02
still one small bug....
// Length
Value := TextBefore(Line, ' minuten<br />', '');
change to
// Length
Value := TextBefore(Line, ' minuten', '');
now when the movie has 2 or more times (like extended etc...) He will picj the first one. (standard time)