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Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script
Posted: 2023-06-28 06:42:23
by kazeciak
Hello. It does not download country and species information.
Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script
Posted: 2023-07-02 12:53:15
by antp
You are lucky, I've read your comment just when I had some free time... so I worked on the script

I suppose species=category?
I fixed that, and country.
I also fixed roles & actor pictures mentioned before (sorry for the long delay for that, but I don't often have time for scripts, and this script is difficult for me since Polish is very different from English, French or Dutch

I tested with only two movies, I hope it works in all cases.
New version = 3.2.16
Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script
Posted: 2023-07-26 15:58:18
by wrobelp
The script stopped downloading the cast.
Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script
Posted: 2023-07-30 09:33:20
by antp
It seems that they changed the structure of the page, so it requires more changes than the previous time

I'll try to do that in the next days, but I have other things to do already pending, so I don't know when I'll have time.
If someone else can do it: do not hesitate to fix it

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script
Posted: 2023-09-05 13:49:43
by Yogi_18
Unfortunately, the next fields have died:
- director
- producer
- scenario
- music
and maybe additional fields...
Is there a tutorial somewhere on how to fix scripts?
Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script
Posted: 2023-09-06 12:38:20
by antp
Not really. Just save the web page, open it in a text editor, check which blocks the script search and compare it with what is in the page: sometimes it is just that the HTML block searched is a little different. Sometimes it is completely different and require a different logic to parse it.
I should try to take a look, but as I said I don't really have so much free time...
Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script
Posted: 2023-09-11 13:03:02
by kazeciak
antp wrote: ↑2023-09-06 12:38:20
Not really. Just save the web page, open it in a text editor, check which blocks the script search and compare it with what is in the page: sometimes it is just that the HTML block searched is a little different. Sometimes it is completely different and require a different logic to parse it.
I should try to take a look, but as I said I don't really have so much free time...
Help us, please

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script
Posted: 2023-09-13 22:33:35
by kuba_ps2
Please help us

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script
Posted: 2023-09-18 08:26:11
by antp
I had some time to check. Good news, it seems that the changes were in the end quite minimal.
I did not test a lot of movies, it seemed to work for the fields mentioned above (actors & crew). I updated the script as version 3.2.17.
If you find movies for which it does not work as expected, you can report them here.
Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script
Posted: 2023-09-18 08:48:33
by kazeciak
antp wrote: ↑2023-09-18 08:26:11
I had some time to check. Good news, it seems that the changes were in the end quite minimal.
I did not test a lot of movies, it seemed to work for the fields mentioned above (actors & crew). I updated the script as version 3.2.17.
If you find movies for which it does not work as expected, you can report them here.

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script
Posted: 2023-09-19 06:50:51
by wrobelp
Thanks a lot, but it doesn't get the movie rating.
Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script
Posted: 2023-09-19 11:21:20
by robinse
antp wrote: ↑2023-09-18 08:26:11
I had some time to check. Good news, it seems that the changes were in the end quite minimal.
I did not test a lot of movies, it seemed to work for the fields mentioned above (actors & crew). I updated the script as version 3.2.17.
If you find movies for which it does not work as expected, you can report them here.

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script
Posted: 2023-09-21 06:01:03
by kuba_ps2
wrobelp wrote: ↑2023-09-19 06:50:51
Thanks a lot, but it doesn't get the movie rating.
same issue

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script
Posted: 2023-09-22 11:05:32
by Master_Rafael
Rozwiązanie pobierania ocen i ilości głosów:
w sekcji
// Rating filmweb
należy podmienić z
Code: Select all
Line := TextBetween(Page.Text, 'filmRating filmRating--hasPanel', 'filmRating filmRating--filmWTS hide');
Rates := TextBetween(Line, 'filmRating__rateValue">', '<');
Rates := StringReplace(Rates, ',', '.');
if Length(Rates) > 0 then
SetField(fieldRating, Trim(Rates));
if CanSetCustomField('VotesFilmweb') then
Value := TextBetween(Line, 'ratingCount">', '<');
if Length(Value) > 0 then
SetCustomField('VotesFilmweb', Trim(Value));
Code: Select all
Line := TextBetween(Page.Text, 'filmRating filmRating--hasPanel', 'filmRatingHeader');
Rates := TextBetween(Line, 'filmRating__rateValue">', '<');
Rates := StringReplace(Rates, ',', '.');
if Length(Rates) > 0 then
SetField(fieldRating, Trim(Rates));
if CanSetCustomField('VotesFilmweb') then
Value := TextBetween(Line, 'filmRating__count">', '<');
if Length(Value) > 0 then
SetCustomField('VotesFilmweb', Trim(Value));
Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script
Posted: 2023-09-23 06:48:02
by wrobelp
Dzięki działa ładnie.
Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script
Posted: 2023-09-26 07:00:15
by antp
Thanks, I updated the file on the server
Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script
Posted: 2023-09-26 11:59:51
by Yogi_18
Podpowie ktoś w temacie fragmentu skryptu do IMDb...
Chodzi mi o fragment wyszukiwania tytułu na "zewnętrznej" stronie, za każdym razem pojawia się komunikat:
Code: Select all
Skrypt nie odnalazł identycznego tytułu lub nie zgadza się rok produkcji ze strony Filmweb na stronie IMDb.
Pobierze informacje z pierwszej pozycji na liście IMDb najbardziej pasującego tytułu. Możesz sprawdzić czy to jest właściwy film i wprowadzić korekty ręcznie.
Co zrobić by jednak skrypt wyszukiwał film na IMDb?
Jeśli "ręcznie" uzupełnię link IMDb to skrypt działa poprawnie, pobiera ocenę i dodatkowe dane.
Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script
Posted: 2023-10-05 09:36:31
by Mietek
Dawno nie korzystałem z programu i aktualnie nie mogę zaktualizować skryptu. Chciałem to zrobić z "update scripts". Wybieram i po chwili wraca do okna wyboru już bez filmweb. Może ktoś podpowie jak mogę zaktualizować skrypt
Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script
Posted: 2023-10-11 07:56:15
by antp
You can manually download the file from and replace the corresponding one in the Scripts folder of ProgramData\Ant Movie Catalog
Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script
Posted: 2023-11-20 16:08:54
by Janeer
Thanks for the update, antp! The script seems to be working well, and I appreciate the quick response to reported issues. My work