First of all - this template is great
But I have a little problem with text encoding of the sql database. I'm from Poland, so I use Windows-1250 encoding on WWW. And as for WWW text, it works great. But problems starts with these parts of the WWW, that has been read from DB (for ex. movie description). In phpAdmin I set cp-1250-general text encoding for the database. And it still keeps me showing ??? instead of my native text (check the
http://corey.awardspace.com/ and see film description - it has only 5 movies, because it's a test www).
Can anybody know, how to resolve this problem? Is it DB or script dependant?
Please note, that I know almost nothing about php or html programming, so pls give the instruction as simple as the can be.
And here is a fragment of movie description pasted from AMC sql-export file: "Z jednej z warszawskich ulic zostaje skradziony zdezelowany mercedes "beczka". Jego właściciel, biznesmen Kurowski, za wszelką cenę postanawia go odzyskać." In conclusion - AMC exports sql file with native letters.
I've read about php configuration that awardspace offers. It turned out, that their php server is configured to use iso-8859-1 encoding. I'm not sure, if it can or can't be configured by some of the php commands, but like I said, I'm not a php programmer. So if anyone can help me with that, I'll be gratefull.
P.S. I worked out the problem with polish letters in myphpAdmin. Now they'r shown correctly. But the problem with WWW is still to resolve.
I had actually manage to resolve this problem by myself
This problem was mainly script & www server dependant.
So here are the steps that I've made:
1. In phpAdmin make new DB or convert it to char encoding latin2_general_ci (If you have tables in DB with old encoding, you must delete it and import with new encoding. Conversion of table's char encoding will do you nothing)
2. Edit moviedb.inc and insert <mysql_query("set names latin2;");> (without < >) to every function, that actually gets data from DB (or only for that functions, that you are sure will contain polish letters).
3. Upload new script to server.
P.S. This is for servers, that deafult char encoding is different that latin2 - it tells server to use encoding you want.
P.S.2 I actually have learned something about php and sql
(but I still don't know nothing about programming in it