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Posted: 2006-06-27 12:48:31
by MisconductQC
I have this error!!
Parse error: parse error, unexpected '=' in /home/www/ on line 680

I want to do some folder or just /images folder ?????

Posted: 2006-06-27 16:36:51
by kazgor
hmm.. my line 680 is just this line

$misc_count = 0;

can you post me your copy of so i can compare please.


Posted: 2006-06-27 17:25:27
by MisconductQC
Do you have mirc or msn!!
To send my

Posted: 2006-06-27 18:39:00
by kazgor
you can use

to upload the file to then send PM me the link it gives.

Posted: 2006-07-05 01:38:36
by Arthur daily
Hello guys,

I REALY like the look of this template but im kinda stuck on 1 or 2 little bits.
Thanks for the Tutural but still im a little stuck.
ANT Movie.
1. load your movie database.
2. ctrl+E
3. select SQL
4. move all the field to the right hand box, ie (fields to export)
5. tablename (movies)
6. tick (drop table if exists & create table)
7. advance sort (use DATE ADDED/ORIGINAL TITLE)
8. click export
9. finished.. you have a filename.sql + images.
This ive done, Ive also downloaded the alough where that goes i got no idea lol


1. login to Awardspace (create subdomain first)
2. click database management
3. create database (eg mymovies)
This i think ive done, but now i get stuck
4. copy DBHOST eg ( or whatever it says to your Index.php. also your DBname & DBuser details.

My Index.php ? i think i can see what you you mean by me DBname & DBuser but i dont get the index.php bit?


5. login into `phpadmin` with DBname/DBpassword
6. if not already create a TABLE.. eg movies
7. select the database (eg mymovies)
8. click SQL tab
9. in `location of the textfile` click browse
10. find SQL file you exported from ANTE
11. you should now have you database loaded.
12. upload images to images directory.

part 5 i can do
part 6 is giveing me trouble
7 8 9 and 10 i think ive done...

i see a "images directory" in the .zip i downloaded but where do i put the stuff from that .zip ?

Basicly ive been useing the HTML export of the Ant Movie Catalog and its good..
But i cant get a snazzy looking site like the ones in this thread.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE could someone post up here a step by step tutorial but pretend its for a 10 year old LOL
Ive got quite a good understanding of whats going on but its just one or two small details that are stopping me get my 2000+ list up on a site.

if you feel you can help me out quickly email me or add me to your msn

thanks guys :)

Posted: 2006-07-05 07:05:09
by -=[WeBsEcReTa]=-
:grinking: this template is really great!!

look my web:
thanks to the maker...

Posted: 2006-07-13 21:21:37
by frenchfrog_2
Hello guys,
This is a great template and I would like to use it.
I use for my website an open source CMS : with MySQL and PHP.
This CMS uses what they called "components" to add ad-ons to your site, and this allow easy management from a backend interface.
So I was wondering if anybody would know and could develop a component to integrate this template into Joomla, with a backend that allow an easy import of the database ?
I could help as well, as I've been using Joomla for quite some times, but I do not know enough in php to do this on my own.
Joomla is quite good for a newbie who want to make a website, and does not know anything in php.
Thank you for your help.[/url]

Posted: 2006-07-28 05:41:59
by MCVampire
For when the V3 ? :??: I hope you still working on :hum:

On your web site I see somethings new but I still waiting for the pack V3 ( or V2.3)

Thks :grinking:

Posted: 2006-07-30 16:36:10
by kazgor
@MCVampire.. so matey what new stuff you after?

I pretty much modified everything i wanted in this script to do.

Posted: 2006-07-30 21:11:42
by MisconductQC
Me, I PM u for what you caqn modify.

Posted: 2006-07-31 21:11:57
by kazgor
i dont see a PM, well nothing recent.. unless you didnt mean me :D

Posted: 2006-07-31 21:44:20
by MisconductQC
well... I dont remember what i say to you lol!

Posted: 2006-08-01 07:20:39
by frenchfrog_2
I modified the script to make it a component for Joomla CMS and it is working quite good. I haven't finish the backend yet.
But I have a question : the fact to have all the database informations, like username and password, in the config file, can it be a security issue, as it will be possible to open this file and have access to the database ?

Posted: 2006-08-01 22:11:29
by MCVampire
MCVampire wrote:Awesome !!! I finally found it ! :grinking: It's the best template since "divxtheque" I have ever seen.

Maybe 3 suggestions:

1- Empty the "search box" after a result. We must to clear the search box each time after. :/

2- Add a Administration (control) panel where we can choose what display or not. Ex: I want to remove IMBd rating and Comments and add some field like Audio/Video Format, Size of file, etc. To resume ... a panel to manage all fields dislplayed in "movie full page".

3- Add a "back" button somewhere (maybe at the bottom?) to return to the previous page (or home) when we are in "movie full page".

Very Good Work !! :D :grinking:

PS: Sorry for my bad english
1- I see on web site that is complete :grinking: (Where I can find the modif ?)
2- I know mjs7231 told me it was impossible to put a Control panel but still waiting for something else 'cause I definitively don't want the IMBd rating and I want to put the other informations.
3- Still waiting for that too.

A visual bug in new version; ... er=DATEADD see the movie number 5 (and some others) in this page, the pictures aren't at the good place 'cause the description is too short for the movies. Maybe put a minimum height (like a little bit bigger than the picture) for each "square".


Posted: 2006-08-02 09:44:53
by kazgor

Im not a fan of the current layout that MJS has done although im pretty sure it was more just a test rather than the actual layout.

If you like my Mod i've done so far check back a few post the link should be there, although it may nolonger be active (i'll check later and repost if not)

I agree a BACK button is a good idea, i'll forgot about that one and will add it to my mod.

The Admin one though now that one will be a challenge i would need to think about that one.

Posted: 2006-08-02 11:20:24
by MCVampire
Hi kazgor

The link still working, I will try it after job today and let you know.

For the Admin Control if a visual thing can't be done, I think about something like;

1-Remove or not some Code to display or not each information.
(Here each informations, including the IMBd rating, are writing with a # before)

Ex: If you want to put Size of file, Remove the # before the Code.

2-Put the Code On or Off with something like the Control Panel in AMC to take the movies informations.

Ex: To display size of file Choose 1, if not put it on 0.

I'm not a coder so I can't help you :/ . Anyway I will test the Mod after job and let you know.

Thks for all

Posted: 2006-08-02 21:33:35
by Viridarium
Great template :grinking: ! Here's a GERMAN Language file:

Code: Select all

/** ===============================================================================================
 * GERMAN Language file for MovieDB by
 * @author: Viridarium
 *=============================================================================================== */ 
$this->lang['categories']     = "Genres";
$this->lang['category']       = "Genre";
$this->lang['comments']       = "Kommentar";
$this->lang['country']        = "Land";
$this->lang['description']    = "Inhalt";
$this->lang['director']       = "Regie";
$this->lang['jump_to']        = "Gehe zu";
$this->lang['length']         = "Länge";
$this->lang['more']           = "mehr";
$this->lang['most_recent']    = "Neuzugängen";  /*Wem fällt etwas besseres ein?*/
$this->lang['next']           = "weiter"; 
$this->lang['of']             = "von";
$this->lang['page']           = "Seite";
$this->lang['previous']       = "zurück";
$this->lang['rating']         = "Bewertung";
$this->lang['search']         = "Suche";
$this->lang['showing']        = "Angezeigt werden die Treffer";
$this->lang['sort_by']        = "Sortiert nach";
$this->lang['starring']       = "Darsteller";
$this->lang['title']          = "Titel";
$this->lang['year']           = "Jahr";
:grinking: :grinking:

Posted: 2006-08-12 21:52:44
by mjs7231
I'm still here, reading the forums but have had zero time to actually sit down and code anything for quite a while. I think any further updates to this script are going to branch off of the great work that Kazgor has done with the script (If thats cool with him).

That in mind, if you want / need any webspace Kazdor, please let me know. This will help provide an easier method to post updates in the future, and get you off a public / ad prone webspace. :)

AIM: PKHelloNasty
MSN: MShepanski1

Text encoding

Posted: 2006-08-13 13:16:07
by Corey

First of all - this template is great :)

But I have a little problem with text encoding of the sql database. I'm from Poland, so I use Windows-1250 encoding on WWW. And as for WWW text, it works great. But problems starts with these parts of the WWW, that has been read from DB (for ex. movie description). In phpAdmin I set cp-1250-general text encoding for the database. And it still keeps me showing ??? instead of my native text (check the and see film description - it has only 5 movies, because it's a test www).

Can anybody know, how to resolve this problem? Is it DB or script dependant?

Please note, that I know almost nothing about php or html programming, so pls give the instruction as simple as the can be.

And here is a fragment of movie description pasted from AMC sql-export file: "Z jednej z warszawskich ulic zostaje skradziony zdezelowany mercedes "beczka". Jego właściciel, biznesmen Kurowski, za wszelką cenę postanawia go odzyskać." In conclusion - AMC exports sql file with native letters.

I've read about php configuration that awardspace offers. It turned out, that their php server is configured to use iso-8859-1 encoding. I'm not sure, if it can or can't be configured by some of the php commands, but like I said, I'm not a php programmer. So if anyone can help me with that, I'll be gratefull.

P.S. I worked out the problem with polish letters in myphpAdmin. Now they'r shown correctly. But the problem with WWW is still to resolve.

I had actually manage to resolve this problem by myself :)
This problem was mainly script & www server dependant.
So here are the steps that I've made:

1. In phpAdmin make new DB or convert it to char encoding latin2_general_ci (If you have tables in DB with old encoding, you must delete it and import with new encoding. Conversion of table's char encoding will do you nothing)
2. Edit and insert <mysql_query("set names latin2;");> (without < >) to every function, that actually gets data from DB (or only for that functions, that you are sure will contain polish letters).
3. Upload new script to server.

P.S. This is for servers, that deafult char encoding is different that latin2 - it tells server to use encoding you want.

P.S.2 I actually have learned something about php and sql :lol: (but I still don't know nothing about programming in it :D )


Posted: 2006-08-23 22:42:31
by Svampen
Hi, I'd only like to know how to get the reset option for the search. The newest (6/25/2006) kazgor mod messes everything for me and I don't need no mediatype. I put this in, removing all mdb_med stuff, but I don't see a reset button appearing:

Code: Select all

    /** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Return the HTML to print the Search Box to the screen.
     * @access private
     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
    function get_search_html() {
	$search_class = (($this->mdb_search == "") ? "mdb_menu" : "mdb_menu_selected");	
        $html  = "<div id='mdb_search' class='".$search_class."' >\n";
        $html .= "  <h4>".$this->lang['search']."</h4>\n";
        $html .= "  <form method='get' action='".$this->THISPAGE."'>\n";
//        $html .= "    <input type='hidden' name='mdb_med'  value='".$this->mdb_med."' />\n";
        $html .= "    <input type='hidden' name='mdb_cat'  value='".$this->mdb_cat."' />\n";
        $html .= "    <input type='hidden' name='mdb_npp' value='".$this->mdb_npp."' />\n";
        $html .= "    <input type='hidden' name='mdb_order' value='".$this->mdb_order."' />\n";
        $html .= "    <input type='input' name='mdb_search' value='".$this->mdb_search."' />\n";
        $html .=      $this->array_to_post($this->non_moviedb_gets);
        if ($this->mdb_search != "")  {$html .= "<div class='clear'><a href='".$this->THISPAGE."?mdb_cat=".$this->mdb_cat."&mdb_npp=".$this->mdb_npp."&mdb_order=".$this->mdb_order."'>".$this->lang['reset']."</a></div>";}
        $html .= "  </form>\n";
	$html .= "</div>\n";
        return $html;
What should I do?