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Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2023-01-27 16:40:05
by tomek69
Do filmów też nie pobiera.

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2023-03-29 13:10:55
by kazeciak
Cześć. Nie pobiera reżysera, scenariusz, muzyka, producent ...

Może ktoś zerknąc?

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2023-03-30 15:59:11
by archibaldos
Niestety, racja nie pobiera :cry: . Wielka prośba o pomoc w naprawie skryptu :innocent:

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2023-04-05 07:15:38
by kazeciak
I jak, nikt nic? :cry:

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2023-04-13 16:29:35
by wrobelp
Przyłączam się do prośby o poprawkę skryptu.

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2023-04-14 06:59:02
by Hegemon65
Ja też się przyłączam do powyższych próśb.

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2023-04-14 12:40:22
by gregorcio
Też proszę o dziłajacy Script FilmWebu

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2023-04-26 16:17:34
by kazeciak
Poważnie? Nie ma nikogo kto by podjął się naprawy skryptu?

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2023-04-27 06:27:57
by antp
As I don't understand polish (except using Google Translate) it is not so easy for me to work on that script.
Also, since it was completely made by other people, it adds a difficulty level to start working in it.
I'll try to check that if I have some time, but no guarantee...
If someone has more time to investigate, it would be better :D

Do the problem occur with all movies? Or just some?
If it is different problem depending on the movie, can you give some examples of titles?

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2023-04-27 07:57:13
by antp
I did a quick fix as version 3.2.15
It seems to work for the crew fields that were not imported, at least using default options.
It may break again in the future if they change the page code, in this case they added many spaces around the crew role types, making more difficult to locate them between the <h3> tags.

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2023-04-28 14:29:25
by kazeciak
Everything works for me, thanks. It's just not downloading roles played by actors yet.

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2023-04-29 08:10:41
by antp
Does that depend on some option setting? (in the options on the right of the list of scripts)
Or is that normally done by default by the script?

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2023-04-29 12:59:57
by kazeciak
I have it set up correctly, it worked before, but now it doesn't. Actors are taken normally, but not the roles they play.

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2023-05-02 13:47:42
by antp
I'll try to check that when I've some time later

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2023-05-11 03:30:48
by gregorcio
Nadal script nie działa

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2023-05-15 12:14:20
by antp
Can you be a little more specific in what does not work and for which movie?

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2023-05-15 14:34:38
by gregorcio
Znaczy się działa dobrze tylko nie pobiera zdjęć aktorów.

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2023-05-16 11:53:28
by antp
OK, I did not test that part, I'll try to fix that at the same time as the actor roles mentioned on the previous page. I do not know when I'll have time for it, though.

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2023-05-16 15:01:45
by gregorcio

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2023-06-12 05:37:06
by gregorcio
Nadal nie pobiera zdjęć aktorów.Proszę o naprawienie tego.