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Posted: 2009-10-23 14:28:27
by kazgor
look in there you can change the format of the date. line you're after is

$this->config['options']['date_format'] = "d-M-Y";

Posted: 2009-10-24 08:14:01
by Pinonono
is already set like that, but does not work: I always November 30, 1999

Posted: 2009-10-24 19:51:54
by kazgor
not sure i understand.. check out so you can choose how you want your date displayed.

so November 30, 1999 would be

$this->config['options']['date_format'] = "F d, Y";

Posted: 2009-10-24 21:21:00
by Pinonono
My problem is that you only see 31 11 1999 and not the actual date of entry

Posted: 2009-10-26 07:50:27
by blue334
See what date format is expected by your database, and make sure the sql file has the same format for dates. If your database uses 0000-00-00 so must your sql file.
If they don't match you need to A) configure your system so they match of B) change date format in the sql script itself using regular expressions

Posted: 2009-10-26 09:01:55
by Pinonono
Thank you. The error was given in the configuration settings MovieCatalog .......

Posted: 2009-11-05 08:40:02
by adim
First of all big congrats for all the guys who contributed to this template. Excellent job!

I managed to implement this template on my website ( Now all I want is:
- a drop down box for page navigation (so the user can select the page to jump);
- a better html presentation for awards (something like a Word bullet list); right now the awards look quite ugly :(

As I'm not so good in php and html, has anyone any idea on how can these things be accomplished?

Thanks a lot and don't let this project die!

Posted: 2009-11-12 16:04:30
by Mstrik
I just installed the latest version of Ant Movie Catalog, it was a long time ago I updated my site. So now I uploaded my sql file, and I noticed that the stars (rating) is not showing, not even the picture. The rating is in my sql file, and the pictures are uploaded on the web.

It was working before I uploaded my new sql file. Anyone know how to fix this?


Posted: 2009-11-13 08:16:11
by Eddie
Have you checked, what the html says at the position where the rating should be? It seems as the rating of the first movie is 6.5, therefore the html is looking for a class called "rating_6.5" which doesn't exist. The CSS only got "rating_6". There seems to be a problem with rounding the rating. Check the template.

Posted: 2009-11-13 08:50:17
by Mstrik
I dont know anymore really weird.. It was working before, I only reuploaded my SQL file.

Posted: 2009-11-15 10:21:02
by Mstrik
Could anyone please look wy my ratings are not displayed, you can download my template here

Thanks in advance!

Posted: 2009-11-16 22:17:04
by Mstrik
Eddie wrote:Have you checked, what the html says at the position where the rating should be? It seems as the rating of the first movie is 6.5, therefore the html is looking for a class called "rating_6.5" which doesn't exist. The CSS only got "rating_6". There seems to be a problem with rounding the rating. Check the template.
I just tested the original script at and here also no ratings being displayed. I made a screenshot of my export settings, the problem started when I installed the latest version of AMC and Windows 7.


Posted: 2009-11-20 09:41:11
by Eddie
I'm now sure, but you could try this:
in the file search for this:

Code: Select all

        $tpl->add_subtpl("DIRECTORS",                       $this->_templates_names("DIRECTORS", "DIRECTOR", $this->directors));
        $tpl->add_subtpl("PRODUCERS",                       $this->_templates_names("PRODUCERS", "PRODUCER", $this->producers));
and add

Code: Select all

        $rating_round = round($this->data['RATING']);
        $tpl->add_var("\$MOVIE[RATING1]",                   $rating_round);
right after it.

then in your templates search for

Code: Select all

and replace it by

Code: Select all

Tell me if that's working.

Posted: 2009-11-20 19:17:28
by Mstrik
Eddie wrote:I'm now sure, but you could try this:
in the file search for this:

Code: Select all

        $tpl->add_subtpl("DIRECTORS",                       $this->_templates_names("DIRECTORS", "DIRECTOR", $this->directors));
        $tpl->add_subtpl("PRODUCERS",                       $this->_templates_names("PRODUCERS", "PRODUCER", $this->producers));
and add

Code: Select all

        $rating_round = round($this->data['RATING']);
        $tpl->add_var("\$MOVIE[RATING1]",                   $rating_round);
right after it.

then in your templates search for

Code: Select all

and replace it by

Code: Select all

Tell me if that's working.
Its working! Great work! Thanks!

Posted: 2009-11-29 12:48:59
by the_observer
Hi all.

Is it possible that someone provide alink to download the PK's MovieDB ?
Because the original link in the first post of this thread is not working anymore.

Thank you 4 reading this.



Ok i found it ,in case someone else is searching you can download it from here

Posted: 2010-01-10 15:06:41
by Varluche
Hi all,
Nice template that I wish to use on my page.
However there are too many panels on left side of the page. Many of them are useless. I want to delete the following panels : PERIOD, LANGUAGES, AUDIOFORMAT, SUBTITLES, YEAR. What should I do in coding ?
I only want two panels left on the left side : CATEGORIES and DIRECTORS. Does someone know how to get that display ?
Last, when opening a movie page, I want COMMENTS to be displayed instead of ACTORS. I need your help here too.

Posted: 2010-01-12 08:20:07
by Eddie
First things first..
To remove panels, just set them to FALSE in the

To replace Actors with Comments, just look inside the template and replace the fields :)
I haven't checked if the Comments are displayable or if we have to alter a few more things.

Posted: 2010-01-12 21:51:59
by Varluche
Eddie wrote:To remove panels, just set them to FALSE in the
I did that and this is working. Thanks.
Eddie wrote:To replace Actors with Comments, just look inside the template and replace the fields
Can you explain please ? What template and what fields in what files ?

Posted: 2010-01-13 13:39:58
by Eddie
Assuming you are in detail view, then look for the file "detail_view.tpl".
Inside this file look for this:

Code: Select all

{ACTORS;3;, }<a href='$ACTOR[HREF]'>$ACTOR[NAME]</a>{/ACTORS}
and replace it with

Code: Select all

You must also replace the part infront of it, otherwise it will still say "Actors: " infront of your comment :)
You can style it the way you want. The variable $MOVIE[COMMENTS] just outputs the dbfield 'comments'.

Hope that helps.

Posted: 2010-01-31 17:38:29
by GoofySGR
Sorry, this script will not run on my Server.
I have Suse 11.2 with PHP5.

If i use this package as is, i get

Jan 31 18:36:19 Linserver httpd2-prefork: PHP Notice: Undefined variable: moviedb in /srv/www/htdocs/index.php on line 16
Jan 31 18:36:19 Linserver httpd2-prefork: PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function get_version() on a non-object in /srv/www/htdocs/index.php on line 16

in my message logfile.
I think it's a problem with my PHP configuration.
Can anyone help me?
