Thanks for new AMC release and for direct link!
Auto-update of "Template PHP" is actually works fine - I just tried to update from too old version (from 3.15 to 3.20).
So I've made
full Russian language file for Template PHP 3.20:
English translation is not so bad, as it seemed to me at first - just too old (from version 3.0?). So there are many french strings. If needed, I can translate them to english.
Also I've found some little bugs and would be pleased to see some new features in future releases: (
sorting order is from more important to less important for me)
- Better compatibility with non IE-based browsers (especially with Opera!)
- Add "Translated Title" to video-base format and optional corresponding column to Movie List
- If "Translated Title" appear, it would be great to add optional fast access not only by english first letters (ABC...Z), but also by national (translated) alphabet
- Ability to post commentaries and to vote (for movie rating) without authorization (e.g. with identification by IP-address)
- Show average user marks and number of votes for every movie (optional column in Movie List & in Detailed View)
- Ability not to vote while posting movie commentary (e.g. "blank mark" instead of "5-mark" by default) - even greater to divide "commentary posting" & "vote for a movie"
bug: If just view commentaries for a movie, but commentary doesn't exist, new zero-file is created for this movie in "data/commentaires"-directory
- Option "not to change disk cover image size in Detailed View" (e.g. my images are too small, so after zooming they look awful!)
- Content-linking with other movies by Director, Country & Year in Detailed View (the same way as it is done by Actors)
- After pressing Actor's name in Detailed View, new window opens - it would be better to open list of found movies at the same window, from which Detailed View was called
- Ability to mark "Already seen" movies even if "Basket mode" is disabled
- Option "Remember authorization from this computer" using cookies
- Message, that name is already used, if user-registration is unsuccessful
- Column options (and their Widthes) in Control Panel don't affect to skin "futur" (maybe it's reasonable to divide column options for different skins?)
- Impossible to go into "Control Panel", if "Authorization mode" is disabled in Options (except by manual address typing: .../conf/index.php)
- Erase user access rights to Catalog, commentaries/votes for movies and corresponding records in "demande.dat", "encours.dat" & "precedent.dat" while deleting Catalog in Control Panel
- Erase corresponding records in "demande.dat", "encours.dat" & "precedent.dat" while deleting user account
bug: Administrator can't delete movie from "Reserved List", if this movie is already in loan by somebody else
- Movie List sorting doesn't work by Rating (Quality), Director, Language, Video-format & Number of disks
- About 20 printable words and phrases aren't moved from main code to language files (I can make the list
- Not used variables from language-files:
- Also variable $LANG["Devenir_membre"] is defined twice in language-files
And some questions about Template functionality:
- Is option "Loan Mode" in Control Panel used? Switching it doesn't affect to anything.
- Where movies are marked, that they are already seen (in Movie List)? - I suppose, there should be an "eye"-picture somewhere (which is showed in "Legend")
Now I'm going to create new skin for Template PHP 3.20, similar to my demo site, based on AMCphp 1.0: