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Posted: 2008-04-11 04:15:09
by Demonic
eng: nice beta5, but where auto add thumbinals?
rus: хорошая бета5, но где автодобавление скриншотов?
Posted: 2008-04-29 03:40:05
by Tikonderoga
Hello again.
About new betas - i'm on vacation atm, so there will no updates in 2 weeks.
About image importing from internet. I didn't change anything in scripting system of original AMC yet. So, it's in TODO list. Personally I'mm adding screens manually.
2 Demonic
Будет, но вряд ли в ближайшем будущем. В списке задач у этой довольно низкий приоритет.
Posted: 2008-05-07 06:46:13
by maksobus
Мод СУПЕРСКИЙ. Давненько искал такой. Скажите пожалуйста есть ли русскоязычный форум вашего мода, чтобы я не захламлял эту ветку вопросами на russian.
English Language
Posted: 2008-05-17 17:12:15
by Antologist
This might be dumb question's, but here goes.
1. Does the download version work in English for us in the United States?:??:
2. How does it work for a totally new beginner?
Posted: 2008-05-18 15:44:15
by manitu
2 Tikonderoga
Îòëè÷íûé ìîä, ñïàñèáî. Ñðàçó ïåðåøåë íà íåãî. Ïàðó âîïðîñîâ:
1. Ãðàôà "Ìåòêà íîñèòåëÿ" íå çàïîìèíàåòñÿ è íå ñîõðàíÿåòñÿ åñëè íå çàïîëíåíà ãðàôà "òèï íîñèòåëÿ"
2. Ìîæíî ëè ïåðåäåëàòü èñïîëíÿåìûé ôàéë äëÿ ðàáîòû ñ
Posted: 2008-05-18 17:52:41
by i0leg@
добрый день. а где можно скачать мод... что-то по ссылкам не получается...
good day. but where else can download ... something does not work on the links ... seems outdated links
Posted: 2008-05-18 19:09:19
by bad4u
@Tikonderoga: I hope you agree mirrowing the file for the moment
Posted: 2008-05-24 05:10:08
by Tikonderoga
Well, I'm back from vacation and have some news for you, guys. I decided to make my own website (not only for Movie Cat) and soon there will normal download for new releases and forum. Keep in touch.
Форум будет открыт в течение недели. Найден хостинг, домент зарегистрирован и т.п. Как только все заработает, я здесь напишу адрес форума и все обсуждение переедет туда.
I do not recommend to beginners start with Movie Cat, because it has not yet full installation - you need to install AMC first and then overwrite some files with Movie Cat. So, you can start with latets version of AMC, learn how to manage it with help and then move to Movie Cat.
And don't worry about English - it's multilanguage program and English is main one.
Про проблему с "муткой носителя" знаю. Поправлю.
Для работы с "Кинопоиском" нужно переделывать скрипт. Это возможно, но точных сроков я сказать не могу. Записал в todo.
На след. неделе откроется отдельный сайт, где будет выложен мод и там же будет форум. Я дам знать в этой ветке.
Thank' man
Posted: 2008-06-02 14:14:34
by manitu
Òóò äåëî íå â ñêðèïòå à â exe’øíèêå. Âîò öèòàòà ñ ru-board
"ê ñîæàëåíèþ, ñêðèïò òóò íå ïðè÷åì... íà êèíîïîèñêå òåïåðü ñòàëè ïðîâåðÿòü user-agent áðàóçåðà/ïðîãðàììû è åñëè îíî ñîäåðæèò AMC, òî ñêà÷èâàíèå íå ðàçðåøåíî. íî ìû òîæå íå ëûêîì øèòû, ïî ññûëêå íèæå âû íàéäåòå îáíîâëåííûé MovieCatalog.exe, êîòîðûé èäåíòèôèöèðóåò ñåáÿ êàê FireFox - ïîòîìó ñêðèïò êèíîïîèñêà ñíîâà íà÷èíàåò ðàáîòàòü. "
Íî ñîîòâåòñòâåííî ýòî âåðñèÿ äëÿ îðèãèíàëà
Posted: 2008-06-02 18:21:21
by Tikonderoga
New forum to discuss Movie Cat is now here:
2 manitu
Понятно, сделаем, это не проблема.
Предлагаю перенести дальнейшее обсуждение на новый форум
Link to the Beta d/l is dead
Posted: 2008-06-13 01:33:19
by klepptoman
Hi the Link to the Beta d/l is dead
Re: Link to the Beta d/l is dead
Posted: 2008-06-15 15:23:50
by bad4u
klepptoman wrote:Hi the Link to the Beta d/l is dead
You find a link to latest version on his forum :
Posted: 2008-07-17 07:44:32
by Tikonderoga
Hello all.
New version of Movie Cat (beta 6) avaliable. See links in first message of this forum thread.
Hope, you will find it usefull.
And don't worry about compatibility with AMC - beta 6 can read old AMC catalogs as well as export MC catalogs to AMC format, so you always can roll back to AMC.
Posted: 2008-07-29 13:03:58
by Wotan
is it possible to make this version all settings are stored locally and not in the registry?
Posted: 2008-07-29 13:10:34
by antp
AMC does not store anything in registry (except file association and uninstall info, as there is no other choice), isn't it the case for MC ?
Posted: 2008-07-30 00:00:33
by Wotan
i dont probably is the same i assume...thanks for the info
Posted: 2009-02-02 15:08:48
by Wotan
seems like this mod isn't being worked on anymore....would it be possible to add some of the features to the regular ant? like the possibility to add several screenshots and the rating system?
Posted: 2009-02-02 16:43:51
by antp
It was not planned to merge that version in "official" code.
Well, the screenshot thing maybe, but not the rating (maybe if it was added as optional item, but here it replaces the original field).
Posted: 2009-02-02 18:22:30
by bad4u
Wotan wrote:since ant movie catalog and movie cat arent being worked on anymore i switched to extreme movie manager...its only 10 euro to buy...and it imports your ant/movie cat database really easy
Well, how could these features ever been added to AMC if it isn't "been worked on anymore" as you stated on 31th of december on Tikonderoga's forum ? (Sorry, but I couldn't resist
Posted: 2009-02-02 21:35:26
by Wotan
you never know
actually that was more of an assumption from my side
and ant was just updated a day or so ago
so yes i was wrong
lol but i guess you'd need tik's approval and source code...hard to get since he's gone