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Some questions because amcphp

Posted: 2006-08-08 15:22:52
by AMCFan
I have the php take for show my list....its realy good template....but i want trade some, but i cant, dont know which documents i must write some new in....

so on the left side is categorie....i have only one so i want that is there not categorie, but maybe producer
and in the listview i want the same director should be not there but producer

and maybe in the view with one film i want that i can show director and producer....can u tell me what i must write in which document????
u see my english isnt the best, my php known is more

so help me please....would be happy if maybe one person can tell me in german....or easy english.... :cry: :cry:

thxs :grinking: :grinking:


Posted: 2007-04-18 16:23:26
by Murnau_Vs_Buñuel
is this template abandoned??? :( where is ormus? somebody can work in this template?


Posted: 2007-05-20 22:44:05
by Sargon
Hi !


it is possible to change a index.php without frameset?

and to do a kind of tables:


For earlier I thank

and sorry my English :) (Prompt rules) =)


Posted: 2010-12-30 15:22:59
by hohoho
Is there any new updates to this script?

Posted: 2011-04-07 10:49:52
by wvd
Does anyone still support this template? :)