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Posted: 2003-09-08 18:42:48
by antp
probably a part of the batch script that I did not recopy correctly from the other one...
Posted: 2003-09-13 20:33:52
by Sjowhan
Thanks for the update of the IMDB-script.
Posted: 2003-10-01 15:17:48
by Guest
It's possible that this question is already answered here, but I didn't find the solution yet, so: Is there a way to batch convert the movies I already have in my movie-list from the old imdb-link (Title?etc) to the new one (tt545676) or do I have to use the imdb script again for each movie? Importing new movies and using the new imdb-script works like a charm, but what about my old movies? The old links still work, but I'd still like to replace those with the new imdb link....
Can anyone help me?
Thx alot
Posted: 2003-10-01 15:42:32
by antp
If you only want to modify links, it could be done easily with scripting, no need to connect to IMDB.
You can for example use the "Find and Replace" sample script, and replace the "Title?" by "tt", or something like that (see what is different in the two links styles)
Posted: 2003-10-01 15:44:48
by Guest
I'm not really familiar with writing my own scripts...
Is there anyone who has already made such a script or knows the quickest way to change those imdb links?
Thx! (and thx for the quick reply Antoine
Downloads don't work
Posted: 2004-01-21 06:07:00
by make_bd
I can't downloads the new scripts (for IMDB)! Help!
Posted: 2004-01-21 08:16:37
by antp
because it is an old topic (last post was more than two months ago)
There is a more recent topic :