Movie rating - decimals?

Comments on existing version & Suggestions for future versions. If you want a new feature suggest it here. Discussions about beta versions also come in this section.
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Post by antp »


I made the changes that I said (if I did not forget anything :D)
Can you check if it is better ?
I haven't tested the scripts, but it should work.
When reading rating, it can use a "." or the system-defined decimal separator (e.g. on my system it is a ",")
The only thing that is not yet done is to not save each viewed movie if you modify one (so if you do not display decimals, modify one movie, all the next movies that you see will have their decimal removed)
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Post by antp »

I updated the file to correct a small problem and to include a proper version of the eXtreme Movie Manager import.
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Post by kolia »

O.K. I 'll check it out and tell you what I think...
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Post by kolia »

OK, here are the problems I've found...

1)-script: you can read but not write to fieldRating (e.g. "SetField(fieldRating, '7.9');" {or '79' or '7,9' or even '7'} does not alter the rating value)
2)saving in xml saves rating in 7.9 format and when opening from xml rating can't be read

DivXManager Import worked OK, importing both digits...

waiting on the fixes...
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Post by antp »

1. strange
2. probably the same problem that for the script

I wonder why I did not saw this problem :??:
I'll fix that this evening if I do not forget, it is probably very simple ;)
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Post by antp »

It was a stupid mistake in my code :D

here is a corrected version :
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Post by kolia »

OK, It now works fine...

I'll continue using this version and tell you any problems I might have...

Post by Guest »

I found this an important point when migrating to antmoviedb myself.

I've found that for some reason the import from imdb plugin imports numbers like xx.0 (78.0 instead of 7.8) no matter what I did to the code (when I tried to divide it by 10, it kept giving me an error - I guess that was because an integer cannot be a rational number). It did however import it into the database (the number 78.0) in grid view. But as soon as I looked at the same movie in non-grid view 78.0 changed to 10.0, and stayed that way. I wonder if there's something I've done wrong. I've also tried to use the said fieldRatingPercent variable, but it kept telling me there is no such thing. please help, if you can! thanks a million.
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Post by antp »

You should have read the whole conversation :p
I changed back to 0-10 ratings, but now with decimals.
So the script has to give e.g. '7.8' (as a string, with either a dot or Windows-defined decimal separator) and it will be kept '7.8' in the catalog except if you enable the new option that removes the decimal part ;)
I haven't made yet any modification to IMDB script. I do not know what has been done or not by kolia ; I think he did not update the script for latest 3.5 version of AMC.
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Post by kolia »

As i said, I've already switched to amc3.5beta thus meaning that I have changed my Import script to get the new values...
replace "Value := IntToStr(Round(StrToInt(StrGet(Line, BeginPos), 0) + (StrToInt(StrGet(Line, BeginPos + 2), 0) / 10)));"
with "Value := StrGet(Line, BeginPos) + '.' + StrGet(Line, BeginPos + 2);"

or replace "Value := StrGet(Line, BeginPos) + StrGet(Line, BeginPos + 2);"
with "Value := StrGet(Line, BeginPos) + '.' + StrGet(Line, BeginPos + 2);"
if you are using my earlier modification of the script...

very simple, wasn't it? ;)
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Post by antp »

What would happen with movies that have 10/10 rating ? :D
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Post by kolia »

haven't found one yet :D
and I don't think I'll find one...

If you do, tell me which one. If more than five people think the movie is PERFECT, then the DVD is a Must buy! :hihi:
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Post by antp »

the highest rated has 9

Post by Guest »

Thank you antp and kolia so much! I just never thought about that . in the middle... :)

The fact that I can have a 78.0 rating in grid view and have that changed back to a 10.0 in non-grid view seems to be a bug though.

Thanks again for this kickass program.
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Post by kolia »

No, it's not exactly a bug, the program just allows the highest value to be 10 (out of 10)...
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Post by antp »

The only place where it checks that the number is between -1 (empty) and 10 is in the fields of the user interface.
Internally there will be no problem to have any other integer value (scripts, export, print, grid view).
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