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Posted: 2009-09-17 00:26:06
by gropy
that you might set it be great to start a section with the 10 latest movies added. Sorry for the translation is from google. I do not speak English xD
Posted: 2009-09-19 11:06:07
by alex1
Posted: 2009-09-23 11:14:12
by nwaps
thx for your work, looks really great.
but i can't download it from your rapidshare link or from your uploaded link. please create an collectors account to share it with more than 10 people or premium members.
Posted: 2009-09-27 06:46:48
by mking
The file status can only be queried by premium users - Purchase a premium account now!
Posted: 2009-09-27 10:05:29
by alex1
Uploaded it on my personal webspace. It will last a bit longer now.
Posted: 2009-09-29 13:39:02
by nwaps
i want my newest added movies shown first at enter the page.
i changed in
$this->config['sorts']["DATEADD"]['direction'] = "DESC";
$this->config['sorts']["DATEADD"]['direction'] = "ASC";
but how can i change the selected sort to adddate?
the vice president
Posted: 2009-10-25 14:16:26
by HiroNakamura
Ok first thanks for this great template, it looks great:
One problem: What do I need to write exactly in mediatype field to display the "Xvid" logos? As you see I have som xvids there but no logo displayed. I figured out how to display avc, mp3:
But I can't figure out display code for xvids. Tried alread XvID, xvid, Xvid....
Anyone can help?
Posted: 2009-10-25 22:00:49
by alex1
And check if the file templates\default\images\info\videoformat\xvid.png exists and is not corrupt or sth.
Posted: 2009-10-26 09:20:12
by Pinonono
I am using your template: very nice!
I have two problems. There is an error in the view of the country
Code: Select all
<td width='6%' align='left'><b>$LANG[COUNTRY]:</b></td>
<td width='25%' align='left'>$MOVIE[COUNTRY]</td>
I would enter the URL of the movie.
Code: Select all
<td width='10%' align='left'><b>URL</b></td>
<td width='43%' align='left'><a href='$MOVIE[URL]'target='_blank'>$MOVIE[URL]</a></td>
Can you help me?
Posted: 2009-10-28 17:48:21
by mjs7231
Awesome Alex, looks nice. I really like the addition of the lightboxes for
image previews and especially the actor list. Glad someone was able to
take the reigns and keep this project officially moving forward. Any chance
you fixed these issues?
I haven't touched this project in a long time, its about time the copyrights
came off anyway. I just ask that you keep the Creative Commons license
attached either a readme or in the code. Any interest in getting this into
Google Code or something where we can better track bugs and changes?
I have moved my development efforts from PHP to Python, so if I have time
I may work on a Django version in the future. Problem is that I no longer
use Windows and do everything on Linux. That puts a damper on my use of
Ant Movie Catalog.
Posted: 2009-11-01 16:21:08
by Pinonono
I really like your template ..... congratulations for your work.
I've put online, and to be "perfect" would be nice if we grant visitors to rate the film.
Anyway thanks again
Posted: 2009-11-03 17:23:54
by Elusyn
AMAZING work. this template made me use ANT for a small project i have for my website =)
Im not a coder, i can design but... i lack coding skills so im hoping someone can help me on this :
I want to create a menu on the side, like the year cap and the genre, but... my ratings.
Movies rated 10
Movies rated 9
can someone help me on this? thanks in advance =)
Posted: 2009-11-04 12:55:50
by Pinonono
I would reinsert the function "random movie."
I realized that I must put the code in detail_view.tpl
Code: Select all
# --- RANDOM MOVIES COVERS --------------------
<div class='movies IMGVIEW curvy2'>
<div class="bl"><div class="br"><div class="tl"><div class="tr">
<div class="header">$LANG[RANDOMMOVIES]</div>
<table class='TABLErnd'><tr>
<td><a class='cover' href='$RNDFILM[HREF]'>
<div class='footer'></div>
<div class="iefix"> </div>
# --- RESULTS MOVIES --------------------------
But all I get out of proportion to the template and the images are "fuzzy". What is wrong?
Posted: 2009-11-08 11:54:26
by Eddie
First of all, great work.
But may I suggest to use the $COVERSDIR in the path to the floatbox'ed image.
I relocated the covers to another dir using the variable in the, but the path to the covers for the floatbox is hardcoded and is therefore ignoring the configvariable.
Posted: 2009-11-08 12:08:22
by Eddie
Elusyn wrote:Im not a coder, i can design but... i lack coding skills so im hoping someone can help me on this :
I want to create a menu on the side, like the year cap and the genre, but... my ratings.
Movies rated 10
Movies rated 9
The easy way is just add another panel to the config file, like this:
Code: Select all
$this->config['panels'][15]['dbfield'] = "RATING";
$this->config['panels'][15]['display'] = TRUE;
$this->config['panels'][15]['minimum'] = 1;
But I probably think you only want integers, not decimals. One way would be to update the database just like the way it is done for the period.
Meanwhile I'm investigating further ways to do it.
Posted: 2009-11-12 17:28:21
by Mstrik
Code: Select all
SELECT PERIOD,count(*) FROM `kirtsn_databasetest`.`movies` GROUP BY PERIOD ORDER BY PERIOD
Invalid Query: Unknown column 'PERIOD' in 'field list'
Posted: 2009-11-13 08:21:25
by Eddie
Are you using Alex' version? That creates the field "PERIOD" while autoimporting the SQL. You have to reimport your movies after switching to Alex' version of the script.
That should fix the problem.
Posted: 2009-11-13 08:46:08
by Mstrik
I tried it on a other location because the old one was giving problems, and I reuploaded my SQL file.. Still getting the error, with another user and database..
Posted: 2009-11-13 16:39:09
by Eddie
Reuploaded by hand or by the autoimport function?
Posted: 2009-11-13 20:07:54
by Mstrik
Eddie wrote:Reuploaded by hand or by the autoimport function?
I think you mean with autoimport just this function? (This is what I did)
How can I reupload it by hand?
Ps. I didn't edit the config file
Code: Select all
$this->config['options']['auto_import'] = TRUE;