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Posted: 2009-06-04 07:11:17
by bonienl
If you don't want numbers to be grouped then you need to edit the javascript file "movies.js" and change the following at the beginning of the file:
Code: Select all
return isNaN(+this.charAt(0))?this.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+this.substr(1):"#";
Code: Select all
return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+this.substr(1);
Posted: 2009-06-04 10:53:49
by spiderman
Thanks BonieNL for your support
Posted: 2009-08-11 11:39:58
by northman
désolé pour mon anglais
je souhaiterai que le nombre de disques soit divisé par 4400
sorry for my English
I shall wish that the number of disks is divided by 4400
Posted: 2009-08-12 05:36:51
by bonienl
Désolé moi-même! Je comprends français mais je l'ecris três mal ;-)
In the procedure "sendMail" you can change as follows:
Code: Select all
if(totalDisks!="") volume.push(escape(totalDisks)+disks);
Code: Select all
if(totalDisks!="") volume.push(escape(Math.floor(totalSize/4400))+disks);
There are more places with reference to "total disks". For example in titles field at the bottom right. Do you want to change that too?
Posted: 2009-08-12 06:16:37
by northman
merci encore pour ce template \Thank you still for this template\
if(totalDisks!="") volume.push(escape(Math.floor(totalSize/4400))+disks); renvoie NaN
je précise mes souhaits \I clarify my wishes\
- 1 title (700mo) = 1 disk
- 4 titles (2800mo) = 1 disk
- 8 titles (5600mo) = 2 disks
Posted: 2009-08-13 13:12:11
by bonienl
My mistake
Try the following:
Code: Select all
if(totalDisks!="") volume.push(escape(totalDisks)+Math.floor(bytes/700));
Posted: 2009-08-13 16:55:11
by northman
Math.floor(bytes/700) or Math.floor(bytes/4400)
ne me donne pas satisfaction \don't give me satisfaction\
Math.ceil(bytes/4400) very good
that's all right like i want
Posted: 2009-08-13 21:55:28
by Pinonono
How do I enter the URL of the website in Synopsis replacing item Label?
Posted: 2009-08-13 22:14:56
by Pinonono
How do I enter the URL of the website in Synopsis replacing item Label?
In italiano: come faccio ad inserire il campo "Sito web" che è presente sul mio Ant Movie Catalog, magari togliendo il campo "Label" di questo template che non mi serve?
Ah...! l'url deve essere cliccabile!
Posted: 2009-08-14 05:27:06
by bonienl
You need to edit the "layout1.xml" file and you can add something like this:
Code: Select all
<text style="justify">movie.getAttribute('URL')</text><br/>
Posted: 2009-08-14 07:19:23
by Pinonono
A final disturbing: what if I want to insert a script?
Code: Select all
<text style="italic">'Source:'</text><sp/><br/>
<text style="italic">'Medium:'</text><sp/><br/>
<text style="italic">'Disks:'</text><sp/><br/>
<text style="italic">'Video:'</text><sp/><br/>
<text style="italic">'Audio:'</text><sp/><br/>
<cell colspan="2" valign="top">
<text>merge(movie.getAttribute('VideoFormat'),' [',movie.getAttribute('VideoBitrate'),' kbps]')</text><br/>
<text>merge(movie.getAttribute('AudioFormat'),' [',movie.getAttribute('AudioBitrate'),' kbps]')</text><br/>
and put a script?
Posted: 2009-08-16 13:46:56
by bonienl
It is not completely clear to me what you want, but within the XML file it is not possible to put a script.
Posted: 2009-11-03 13:16:01
by xrust
I add company logos
+ add new color themes
Posted: 2009-11-04 07:26:01
by bonienl
That looks very nice indeed