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Posted: 2008-03-08 10:49:51
by lafafmentvotre
unable to download
help please
Posted: 2008-04-10 12:22:54
by tv01
reup would very much appreciated
Posted: 2008-04-12 22:57:26
by tv01
does realy nobody has this template anymore??
Posted: 2008-09-18 08:39:15
by airplane_vn
Long time no see.
I just posted a new version 0.72 with some new enhancement.
Hope you will all enjoy that.
Posted: 2008-09-28 08:32:49
by tv01
sort by "Date Added" don't work with Firefox 3.0.3 and Internet Explorer 7.
Posted: 2008-10-16 20:43:55
by playfortoday
Hi, I really need help because I'm a totally newbie. I like this template very much but i would like to change something: The titles showed (and everything is sorted by them) are the original titles. I would like to change them to the translated titles... Is it possible? This is my main problem.. :P the second is: is it possible to add a column that show the "label" entry?
I'm sorry if this is not clear, I'm not english...
Thank you very much!
Posted: 2009-02-03 03:19:54
by leolo3339
realy nice template, everything it works perfect, thank you very much.
I was just wondering if it woult be to dificult to filter by language,
Thank you.
Traducida al español
Posted: 2009-02-09 16:40:22
by leolo3339
He hecho una pequeña modificacion y la he traducido al español.
Si a alguien le interesa puede descargarla de aqui: ... SPANOL.rar
He cambiado el prestado por visto o no visto, solo hay que poner en prestado SI o NO para que salga si ya esta vista o no.
He cambiado el "tipo de soporte" por AUDIO. Solo hay que poner en tipo de soporte DUAL, VOSE, DOBLADA, etc.
He añadido al titulo el titulo traducido.
great template
Posted: 2009-02-26 10:46:47
by sweetdragon
very good job
but you make a mistake at line 548 :
you forgot to put "" on src=$$ITEM_PICTUREFILENAME
now the code works like this :
Code: Select all
<tr id="$$ITEM_NUMBER_row2">
<td id="$$ITEM_NUMBER_pic" rowspan="2" class="lgt">
<img style="border:double; border-style:'double';border-color:'black'" title="$$ITEM_ORIGINALTITLE ($$ITEM_YEAR)" src="$$ITEM_PICTUREFILENAME" width='120px'></td>
<td colspan="4" class="lgt" dir="ltr">$$ITEM_DESCRIPTION</td>
[FR] Version française
Posted: 2009-02-28 19:54:42
by Dedej
J'ai traduit pour ceux que la version française intéressent cet excellent template.
J'ai agrandi les images pour la version sans texte et ajouter un lancement "PicLensLite" pour ceux qui veulent l'installer (jolie diaporama).
C'est ici
Bon catalog