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Posted: 2006-05-16 08:08:12
by Snille
Let me know what fields you are interested in showing (in both the full view and list view), what fields you would like to have pictures (icons) for, what current style profile I shall base the new one on. Then I'll see if I can whip something up. :)

Well, the fields you mention is not available in the AMC version of WebTrack. AMC dos not support all fields. If you read in a earlier post in this thread, I have described what fields are used and what's not. But, I can post the "not supported ones" again here:
Barcode = (Not used in AMC yet)
Channels = (Not used in AMC yet)
Exclude = (Not used in AMC yet)
Frequency = (Not used in AMC yet)
Height = (Parsed from the Resolution field)
Imdbakaname = Translatedtitle (Same as Akaname when using AMC)
Mpaa = (Not used in AMC yet)
Mtgenre = Category (Same as Imdgenre when using AMC)
Rating = (Not used in AMC yet)
Size = Aspect (Calculated of the Width and Height)
Status = (Not used in AMC yet)
Subentry = (Not used in AMC yet)
Tagline = (Not used in AMC yet)
Usernumber = Number (Same as Number Width and AMC)
Viewnumber = (Not used in AMC yet)
Votes = (Not used in AMC yet)
Width = (Parsed from the Resolution field)

All these fields is NOT possible to ether update or add when using a AMC database because they are not in the database. I have requested some new fields in the request area. :) But Ant is a bit short of time I think. :)

Posted: 2006-05-16 12:27:41
by antp
Yes, sorry for that, but currently I do not work on AMC so a new version will more field will probably take lots of time :/

Posted: 2006-05-16 14:12:36
by Snille
No problem, you do it when you feel like it. After all it is free software and we all use it because we like it. The "updates" are only bonus. :)


Posted: 2006-05-16 14:52:42
by folkbear
perhaps it would be possible to use the fields that I don't need from AMC for the stuff that I'd like.

for example :

use the field "media type" as the regiontype, so we can add the icon of dvdregion2.
use the field "audio format" for "sound" (dolby stereo, 5.1, dts etc) by using the appropriate icon
use the field "media label" for taglines......

so my proposition :

I'm using the dvdprofiler-skin only (could you remove the other skins, so they wouldn't have to be adjusted seperatly?, without creating problems to the script?)

in the list view :

delete the field user # and the field mt #
because you see the same number three times, and you only need one (for adding/editing loan list)

in the detailed moviescreen

use the medialabel-field from amc for taglines...


delete the field mpaarating
delete the adding "based on n/a votes." from Imdb rating
delete the field mtrating
change the field video codec to dvdregion while adding an icon for the different regions....
delete the field video format
change the field audio codec to audio while adding an icon for the different types : language + stereo, language + dts, language + 5.1 etc
delete the field audio information (using the field languages rom AMC perhaps)

and below

change the field trailers to edition, using the sourcefield from AMC, to add what kind of dvdedition you have....
change the field Episodes to Extra's, using the extra's-field from AMC to fill with data.
change the aka-field to Subtitles using the field subtitles from AMC

Would this be possible?, that way you only use fields that are already integrated in AMC.

kind regards, Folkbear
I can't thank you enough for the support you already gave me....

Posted: 2006-05-17 12:08:11
by Snille
Ok, I'll see if I can create a new "DVD-Only" profile. I'll have to work with it a bit. But it sounds like it would work.
If you could find me all the small icons you want for the sound and regions it would be good.

Also, if you don't want more then one profile, you can just delete all the other ones in the "profiles" folder. WebTrack reads what's in the folder and present in the "select" page. If there is only one, you can only select one. :)

Posted: 2006-05-17 15:30:00
by Snille
I didn't find the field Extra's in AMC, what filed is that? Is it the Comment field?

ah ok

Posted: 2006-05-17 18:54:33
by folkbear
sorry for that, I was using the dutch translation of AMC, and the field "comments" is called "extra's" there.
So that way, there's no need to delete the comments field, you can just change it to extra's....

Posted: 2006-05-18 04:47:34
by Snille
Ok, goodie. :)

Do you know where to find these small "icons" you where talking about, for the language + stereo and region?

Posted: 2006-05-18 07:11:22
by Snille
Hi again can you just make a small test database for me to test it out with. Just enter 5-10 movies in it with all the values in the correct values in the fields you want them. Then I can test it out with the profile I'm making.


Posted: 2006-05-18 19:20:58
by folkbear
ok, i'll make one (testdatabase) tonight
i have the small images we need for the template.
where can I send them?
they all have a white background, so do I need to change that and if yes, into what colour?

greetz, folkbear


Posted: 2006-05-18 19:49:15
by folkbear
in the testdatabase I used the following format :

in audio format :
English dolby51 : English Dolby Digital 5.1
English dolby20 : English Dolby Digital 2.0
English dts : English Dolby Digital Dts
English dolby61 : English Dolby Digital ES also called Dolby Digital 6.1

in media type :
1 : Dvd region 1
2 : Dvd region 2

in subtitles :
french, dutch, english....

so if you want it, I'll upload or email, the icons, xml-file and images...
just let me know what to do with it.

greetz, folkbear

Posted: 2006-05-19 04:26:07
by Snille
Sounds good to me.
I have sent you a PM with the mail address where you can send it. :)

I will base the filenames on what you enter in the fields, so I many have to remove spaces...
I'll try some and you can tell me what you think. There will be some "Rules" when adding a movie about how and what to type in the "images" fields... :)


Posted: 2006-05-19 12:22:53
by folkbear
I have sent you the icons and the testdatabase.
I would propose to rename the icons to whatever you use as a name in AMC, for example, I used 1 or 2 for the region of the dvd, if you could link "fieldname" to the image called "fieldname".gif to be shown (so 1.gif, or 2.gif), that would be the easiest way to go I guess.

For the audio-icons, i used the format "language dd20", so perhaps you could have the script read it as "language"= text, and "dd20"= link to the imagefile.

I don't know much about scripting but I guess it should be something like that.

thx Folkbear

Posted: 2006-05-28 08:40:28
by Snille
You wrote about the languages of the moves... Is it possible to combined one of the icons holding both region and language or channels and language. Let's say, region1-eng, region2-dutch. Them the pictures could be named the same, and just add more pictures. :)

help with characters

Posted: 2006-05-30 17:57:24
by habr100
hello, I am from slovak republic and I have one question, I am using ANT movie for collect movies and now I found this wonderfull php application but my problem is that when I export my collection from ANT like .xml file, so there is this encoding >> encoding="iso-8859-1"

and I want to use this >> encoding="iso-8859-2 " -but your application do not take this, it says, that only encoding="iso-8859-1" is allowed, can you help me please??

I am total new in PHP etc. so thanks very much

Posted: 2006-05-30 18:12:12
by antp
What you call "export" is the File -> Save As with XML as file format?
The encoding used for that is the one defined in File -> Properties.

Posted: 2006-06-02 17:42:07
by Snille
Well, not a problem (I hope) I just built in that as a safety. I don’t know if the system works well with any other character set, but I guess you (we) will find out. :)

Go to the mt/loaders folder, edit the file antload.php.

Go down to line 47 it looks like this:

Code: Select all

 		if ($dbencoding != "iso-8859-1") {
Change it to:

Code: Select all

 		if ($dbencoding != "iso-8859-2") {
Save and try it. If everything works. I can add that character set to the "safe" ones as well. :)

Let us know how it works out.

Posted: 2006-06-05 00:34:28
by habr100
yes, this I know, I done before you post, but still not works, I also change all $dbencoding in all files, but this can`t help, if you have a interest, this is my ICQ 255645892, so I can send you xml file and you will see and also I am thinking abut czechoslovak language pack for your good script ;)

Posted: 2006-06-07 14:54:02
by Snille
I don't use ICQ that much now days. But you can mail me your XML file, and I'll see if I can get it to work. A language pack would be nice. :)

Posted: 2006-07-10 13:52:27
by Snille
Ok, this is what you do.
Again go to the mt/loaders folder, edit the file antload.php.
Replace line 47 with this:

Code: Select all

 		if ($dbencoding != "iso-8859-1" && $dbencoding != "windows-1250") {
Save, and try it. :)
That should do it actually.
Sorry for the delay, I'm on vacation from coding for the moment. :)