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Posted: 2005-02-12 11:31:15
by antp
It only imports info from main movie page, so not full cast nor producer.
In the future I may add info importation from the fullcast page, I'll see that later.
For the character names, simply edit the script and chose the ActorsLayout option.


Posted: 2005-02-18 10:53:16
by Wermine
It's very nice that I can put 0, 1 or 2 in the script and then it changes itself. Now.. I don't want just one category, and I don't want 8 categories for one movie. Yes, there are single movies with 8 categories in IMDb. That ruins my site layout and usually manually delete overlapping categories leaving just the first three. Can this be done by the script?

Posted: 2005-02-18 11:30:52
by antp
If you know a little how to write scripts, it would be easy to do by searching the second "/" and delete what follows in the ImportList function.

Posted: 2005-02-22 14:00:01
by Wermine
Well, I don't know anything about scripting. If someone knows and this is easy and fast to do, can someone post the script here and tell me where to copypaste it?


Posted: 2005-03-10 04:11:28
by Adam
I would also find it very useful to be able to choose how many categories are imported with the IMDb script. Unfortunately, I don't know anything about writing scripts either. :( If someone could show me how to do this, I would really appreciate it. Thank you. This is the best movie cataloger I've seen, by the way, excellent job.

Posted: 2005-03-10 08:34:19
by antp
I'll maybe add that as option later, but I already have lots of things to do, or this version 3.5 will never be finished :D

Posted: 2005-03-14 22:20:27
by Ray
What's up with this new script that comes with v3.5.0.0. It's not possible to choose layout for actors nor it imports information from full cast page.

Posted: 2005-03-14 22:24:36
by antp
Simply double-click on the options in the panel on the right of the window to change them.

Posted: 2005-03-15 19:25:13
by Ray
Can't believe I didn't notice that. It works like a charm.
Only one request left, importing info from full cast page.

Posted: 2005-03-15 20:09:30
by antp
If it is not in current script options (I do not remember exactly what I've put) it is planned for later. Like for the translated titles. I prefered to finish AMC 3.5 and then continue to improve the IMDB script.

Movies name

Posted: 2005-03-21 17:06:13
by Wermine
IMDb script gives the movies name like "The Boondock Saints" instead of "Boondock Saints, The" as it should give in my opinion. When I list my movies in my site (which AMC creates very nicely), I face a problem. I have to manually rename all movies with the "the" article. This is not a major problem when I add about one movie to my collection once a week.

Now I found nice way to update all movies (roughly 350) at once. I would have to rename about half of them later. And I also would have to cut some genres (as I mentioned in the earlier post) as IMDb gives more than three genres to some movies.

So, make the rename option so that the "the" article comes last separated by comma. And fixing that genre "problem" would be nice. Thanks, great program.

Re: Movies name

Posted: 2005-03-21 18:32:58
by antp
Wermine wrote: So, make the rename option so that the "the" article comes last separated by comma.
There is an option to make that in the display, export and print when you use for these two the "Formatted Title" instead of "Original Title" field. I could add that as an option but I see that as lots of work for nearly nothing since the program can make this change itself when needed for display.
Wermine wrote: And fixing that genre "problem" would be nice. Thanks, great program.
You mean limit the number of catagories ? I do not see it as a "problem". It simply an option that some people would like to have, I'll probably add that later but it is not a high priority for me.

IMDN Business

Posted: 2006-10-16 11:36:47
by starlight70
Is it possible for someone to help with the IMDB script to import from the box office and business page /business. I really like to include this info in my AMC.

Thank you.

Please help.

Posted: 2006-10-28 22:06:49
by LeMoi
Le script iMDB n'importe plus les acteurs ?!

Posted: 2006-10-29 10:15:12
by antp
Pour quel film, avec quelle option choisie dans "ActorsLayout" et quelle version du script ? (l'actuelle étant la 2.06)

Posted: 2006-10-29 10:18:11
by LeMoi
Oups, j'ai la version 2.05
En fait ça le récupère pour les films, mais plus pour les séries (je viens de retester pour Lost, ça ne récupère ni les acteurs, ni le réalisateur)
Je reessaye avec la 2.06 pour voir...

EDIT : idem avec la 2.06, ni acteurs, ni réalisateur, ni producteur :s

Posted: 2006-10-29 10:23:48
by antp
ok je regarderai ça dans le courant de la semaine ;)

Posted: 2006-10-29 10:27:23
by antp
En fait c'est tout simple :D (en regardant la page de Lost sur IMDB je vois que c'est juste le titre au-dessus de la liste qui est différent de celui des films, titre utilisé comme point de repère dans le script)
Il suffit de rajouter

Code: Select all

    if Value = '' then
      Value := TextBetween(PageText, 'ast Summary:', '</table>');
à la ligne 153, après d'autres lignes similaires.
J'ai aussi mis à jour le script sur

Posted: 2006-10-29 10:29:03
by LeMoi
OK merci ça fonctionne ^^

Posted: 2006-12-04 20:45:01
by Cosmo

Is there a way to modify the script to let it import ALL actors from IMDB instead only those from the main page? i searched the forums and found viewtopic.php?t=649&start=0&postdays=0& ... ght=actors but it's seem to be outdated as i tried it with the current amc and it doesn't work :(

thanx in advance for any help on this!