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Posted: 2002-10-17 22:15:58
by Twink
easiest way for me to figure this out is you email me your movie list, just zip it all up and send it to

Posted: 2002-10-21 07:07:46
by Twink
Template Updated. I'm not posting source for this version yet, as I'm still working on it, also as it now uses some pictures and a css file so I'd need to zip it up =(

Anyway thought you might like to see it, I think it looks alot nicer, I used the style of the geoshell website (hope they don't mind).

Check it out (html file is about 1MB so it takes a while to load)

Posted: 2002-10-24 05:03:14
by Twink
Beta 0.6 is done, been a little while between releases but I had other things to work on. Since this one is alittle more graphical I had to zip it up =( just copy the "template from Twink(2).html" to the templates directory (Unless you don't want to over write version 0.5) and copy the rest of the pictures and such into the directory you export it to. Note the themes are in a subdirectory of the export directory called themes.

zip file should be

by changing this line
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="themes/light.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="themes/dark.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="themes/black.css">
you can see other themes that I made for it. Feel free to make a theme, I think it's fairly easy thou.

I'm still hoping to release one with multilanguage support (haven't figured out quite how to implement this yet)
Also one that's easier to customize so you don't have to have certain fields, or want others instead (using more XML files)
I'm also considering going fully XML s the movies are stored separately from the template (my movie.html file is about a MB at the moment)

Posted: 2002-10-24 07:33:00
by antp
To make alternative stylesheets the "official" way is like that :

<link rel="stylesheet" title="Blue" href="main.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" title="Green" href="main_green.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" title="Red" href="main_red.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" title="Orange" href="main_orange.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" title="Purple" href="main_purple.css" type="text/css" />

With Netscape 7 and Mozilla you can then select the color to use in the menu "View" -> "Use style". I used that on my site, so you can see it working there ;)
Unfortunatelly it does not remember the style selected when you go to another page :( I do not know if it's a bug or a feature :/

Posted: 2002-10-24 23:36:01
by Twink
okay, will do that

well after downloading mozilla, and being shocked at how the page doesn't work at all in it, I've decided to fix it so it works on the 3 main browser types ie, mozilla and old netscape. Which if you've done u should realise it isn't the easiest of tasks, but has to be done (besides using the w3c standards is better code aparently anyway.) Anyone with a good link to a site that explains how to do dhtml in these browsers I'd love to see it =). Version 0.7 may take a wee while to comeout

Posted: 2002-10-25 07:43:40
by antp
For Mozilla it should not be too difficult since it supports lots of things (more than IE actually, if you stay in W3C specifications), but for Opera it will maybe not be so easy :/
For the old Netscape, if you mean Netscape 4, it will be quite difficult since there are lots of unsupported things, and lots of bugs in what it supports :(

Posted: 2002-10-29 01:31:29
by Guest
i love the new templete man!!
but are the comments suppost to be displayed after all the movies are listed? it looks kinda funny...

i think i just messed up on something somewhere....
anyways great job man

Posted: 2002-10-29 09:59:09
by Twink
it's probabably cos you have a quotation character in a field somewhere, there is a script that allows you to change them to ' instead of " on the board. Should work after that

Posted: 2002-10-31 04:16:49
by Bad Joker
i'm really impressed by that template, it's really stylish and cool man

is there a way to disable pictures (i don't use them atm) and to add some more details to the movie?

i want to see also the producer, the audio/video format with bitrate, fps and resolution.
and i want to see the file size, is that possible???

would also be fine to see again 5 stars for the rating and i use the imdb rating, so 1 star should be 2 points in rating, so that i can use half filled stars ?

would be really cool :D

the "lent to" is also unnecessary for my, sorry, maybe you can tell me how i disable it?

some face lifting would be, if you can set the search/options/info/about fileds not vertically aligned but horizontally aligned? dunno if this is possible...

mmhh, i hope i did not said to much, you did great work, maybe there is a way to customize this template this way i said :)

Posted: 2002-10-31 09:24:48
by Twink
Hey Joker,

I've had a number of requests to remove picture and or description, I have been trying to think of a good way to make the whole thing really customizable, but have yet to think of a good way :/

I will probably add an option to just show titles, then expand with more info on clicking of it.

I have been meaning to change the star ratings I just hadn't got round to it, if you feel like opening paint and drawing some stars for me I'll add it, I've just been to busy to muck round with that.

I don't really use all the audio/video formate and stuff so that's why I never bothered with it all. I will consider adding it, if I can't think of a good way to make the whole thing easily customizable.

Lent to, yeah mostly useless, I use it for listing if a movie is missing or broken really, dunno why I call it lent to still.

I'm not sure what you mean by the face lifting part, align what where?

I love the feedback you didn't say too much =) I'm glad someone appreciates it, I nearly gave up working on it for a while (hehe) although I have been doing alot of changes to make it more compatible with Mozilla.

Posted: 2002-10-31 16:06:42
by Bad Joker
hey twink

i created the stars ;)

you can find them here:

for the align thingy, i did two screenshot, maybe then you know what i mean ;)

as it is now:

as it would be better:

thats all for now, hope to see a new version soon, it is really good, because only option to beat this template would be php/mysql, but not everybody has that on his webserver :(

so keep the good work up

Posted: 2002-10-31 17:48:02
by antp
This looks really great :)

Posted: 2002-10-31 21:25:58
by Twink
I see what you mean now =), yeah actually I like it horizontally too, should fix a bug I was getting in mozilla also =D. Thanks for the stars, just added them and they look great. I will work on everything else today, as I don't have much else to do.

Hey thanks Ant =)

oh, question, if I remove the picture, you lose the link to imdb, where would a good place to put this link when pics are hidden, just in details?

Posted: 2002-10-31 22:31:51
by Bad Joker
mh maybe you make the link to the title and a button called details :)

as for the first look nobody would find them if you get them only when you click on the title ;)

Posted: 2002-10-31 23:11:34
by anton
The new template looks very good ...

just wanted to ask for few things (some of them probably were mentioned before )...

1.) of course that it should work with mozilla ...

2.) So I can customize what fields to show and what to not show (it was mentioned , but just to say that I'm looking forward to that too ;) )

3.) Make like a filter, so I can show only specific countries(very need this one) or maybe only dvdrips/vhsrips/tvrips ... and also, be able to specify this at load of a page, without user doing anything

4.) also be able to customize what fields are shown and how when u click on details ...

5.) store movie information not in the html (b/c I already have 1000 movies, and it takes quite a time to load :( )

well, I think that's it :)

I know I repeated some, but just in case :)

thanks a lot :)

Posted: 2002-11-01 03:13:28
by Twink
wow, my template is getting very popular now :hihi:

1) I'm working on that, there are some very big scripting differences between IE and Mozilla, at the moment you can view it in mozilla but not use the features search, and expand details. I think most the other stuff works

2) I'm working on that right now, using xml. So my template will have the ability to support templates (try get your head round that one)

3) This can be done with categories, turn on Video Format and select DVD Rip. To have it show this to start with just need a few script modifications, guess I'll make it easier to do.

4) I'm guessing you mean the expandy details thingy, that's gonna work same way as #2

5) I've been meaning to do that, but other things are more important to me at the moment, I change it from a template to a html page that supports AMC catalogs in xml format. I don't think this will fix the loading time, but it will make updates easier, as you can just replace the old movie.html with my new one without losing settings or movies.

Posted: 2002-11-01 04:00:25
by anton
Actually I have mozilla 1.2a ... and a movie list here:

just shows this:

Posted: 2002-11-01 04:05:15
by Twink
Version 0.7 will support mozilla, I haven't uploaded it yet, you're still looking at 0.6

well just to show I have done stuff =) or to tease (hehe I got the new template and you don't :lol: )


Posted: 2002-11-01 07:36:49
by Guest
Great Script!, but im having a problem that at the end there is a mile long text of comments etc ,plus the stars icons dont show up, either does the "no picture" picture if a movie doesn't have one.

Posted: 2002-11-01 08:24:32
by Twink
Anonymous wrote:Great Script!, but im having a problem that at the end there is a mile long text of comments etc ,plus the stars icons dont show up, either does the "no picture" picture if a movie doesn't have one.
The text comments are due to having double quotation marks (") in one of your fields, change them all to single quotes (') there is a script here that will do it.

The star icons are (in version 0.6 and earlier) copied automatically by AMC and are call apprX.gif where X = 1->4. I didn't include a "no pic" pic in the zip file, I will put it in with the next version, or you can do a save as on the pics on my site