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Posted: 2004-07-30 06:33:29
by juise
Apache and PHP on windows, you people make my skin crawl! :)

Posted: 2004-08-03 11:25:09
by Ormus
I've added the sort functionality to the lists, will post an updated version on the weekend so you can try it (it's possible to disable sort now, in case you want to take stress from your server). 500 movies on one page are sorted in a blink, but then that's on my offline development machine ;)

Posted: 2004-08-15 11:13:06
by redbaron2001
Hello everything,

I would like that not the Original - titles separate the German translated one - title under titles stands. Following from it should be searched also under "searches" for the translated title.

What do I have where and which to change ?


Posted: 2004-08-15 19:54:42
by Alexey Petrov
My version of AMCphp (Russian Edition) supports search by Translated Title and some other extra features (see viewtopic.php?t=813&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=109). But it needs some modifications for german interface.
If interesting, I can tell in detail...

PS: I didn't understand, what you meant here:
I would like that not the Original - titles separate the German translated one - title under titles stands.

Posted: 2004-08-17 06:54:43
by Ormus
Thanx for helping him, Alexey. He wrote me an email in german, so I can take care of the remaining problems.

btw. the php5 version is still worked on. Am just a little short on time currently, but I'll have three weeks of vacation starting next monday. That should be more than enough to finish it...

Posted: 2004-09-14 19:30:06
by Guest
any new progress with new AMCphp ? :)

Posted: 2004-09-16 08:05:08
by Ormus
Had to re-install my system (and upgrade some components) during my vacation, I've just re-installed php+apache yesterday. So I'll be working on it again now. I just wrote down some ideas. Let's see what actually makes it into AMCphp5...

So, stay tuned...

Posted: 2004-09-20 11:12:51
by Ormus
Just wanted to let you know, that I've made good progress during the weekend. Xpath is very helpful for searching and filtering the xml. Can't judge the speed yet. Might be faster, might even be slower ... Though it should be by far less ressource consuming now, taking stress of the webserver. Gotta redo the details page, then I can put a test version online.

Probably won't happen this week though, 'cause I'm playing an instore prerelease of Magic the Gathering on the weekend...

Posted: 2004-10-02 14:30:28
by fredy
How one make to see film frames (jacket)? Thank you

Posted: 2004-10-02 15:50:11
by Alexey Petrov
Do you mean several disc covers (pictures) for one movie in base? It's unsopported by AMC and accordingly by AMCphp template.
But you may simply add just one cover (picture) for every movie. What the trouble?

Posted: 2004-10-21 18:37:03
by juise
So how's it coming?

Posted: 2004-11-18 13:26:28
by Guest
hola soy nuevo en esto... y no sé mucho ingles asi que posteo en español mejor.
tengo problemas para poner la plantilla esta:
me he bajado el zip del lo he pegado en la carpeta de templates del amc y lo descomprimo.
luego abro el programa amc le doy a exportar le doy a cargar ¿ y q cargo? ¿el index.html? me sale una pagina de error.
¿es que necesito un programa aparte...php 4.2.2 o algo asi?
:/ :??:
venga saludos :clapping:

Posted: 2004-11-18 15:32:20
by Murnau_Vs_Buñuel
Anonymous wrote:hola soy nuevo en esto... y no sé mucho ingles asi que posteo en español mejor.
tengo problemas para poner la plantilla esta:
me he bajado el zip del lo he pegado en la carpeta de templates del amc y lo descomprimo.
luego abro el programa amc le doy a exportar le doy a cargar ¿ y q cargo? ¿el index.html? me sale una pagina de error.
¿es que necesito un programa aparte...php 4.2.2 o algo asi?
:/ :??:
venga saludos :clapping:
ahora si q soy yo con mi nickname :grinking:

Posted: 2004-11-25 19:27:19
by Murnau_Vs_Buñuel
alguien sabe como puedo personalizar un poco la plantilla amcphp 1.0
para que me ordene la lista por el año, cambiando colores, etc?¿ :??:

somebody knows as I can personalize a little the template amcphp 1,0 so
that it orders the list to me by the year, changing colors, etc?¿ :??:

thanks :grinking:

Posted: 2004-11-26 05:57:09
by Alexey Petrov
Just click to the caption of Year column in Main movies list and amcphp will sort them by years (in ascending or descending order).

You may edit .CSS-file to change some colors and visual styles... but not all settings are described there. To change most of them you should edit PHP-code.

Posted: 2004-11-26 10:04:33
by Murnau_Vs_Buñuel
Thanks Alexey

Another question..
what is later version of the AMCphp of Mr. Ormus :hum: ? I have used until now the AMCphp10 ..

Posted: 2004-11-26 15:40:19
by Alexey Petrov
AMCphp 1.0 was the last officially released version.

There was an alpha-version of new AMCphp, based on PHP 5.0 (with faster XML-parser):
It works about 10 times faster with large MovieCatalogs (>1000 titles), but is not completed yet... Even "sorting" feature doesn't work there (hope, it will be fixed).

Also I made my own modification of AMCphp 1.0 and called it "Russian Edition" (example here: ). There is not only russian translation, but also modified interface and some new features, which works with any language - I described all changes here: viewtopic.php?p=7258#7258

PS: It would be very interesting to get some news from Ormus, cause AMCphp is still the most powerful AMC template!

Error: XML error at line 375 column 3398

Posted: 2004-11-28 22:14:46
by paulgsm

For a few days I have this message on my site ( which has a movie list)XML error at line 375 column 3398. Do you know what file is corupted? I use AMC PHP script: My website adress is:

Posted: 2004-11-29 08:15:29
by Alexey Petrov
It seems, that your XML-file (which contains movie catalog) is corrupted. Check line 375 of this file - all tags should be closed and better not use special characters.

Posted: 2004-11-29 16:38:39
by winnuke
Hi :)
first of all thx for this template, I don't know anything in html sql and all these stuff :D
I've just change the filename (as said in the readme) but once online it doesn't work well. I have plenty of error but the list itself works ;)

just have a look and if you can help me... :)

note: sorry for my english ;)