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Posted: 2003-08-03 03:41:36
by Guest
Excuse for my English.

A question such: How to add sorting by date of?

Posted: 2003-08-03 03:53:46
by SlawDD
I was higher :)
Tried so:

Code: Select all

				<th><a href="javascript:sortBy('title')" class="tHead"><b>Titel</b></a></th>				
				<th width="200" nowrap="true"><a href="javascript:sortBy('category')" class="tHead"><b>Genre</b></a></th>
				<th width="80"><a href="javascript:sortBy('media')" class="tHead"><b>gesehen</b></a></th>
				<th width="80"><a href="javascript:sortBy('cdanzahl')" class="tHead"><b>CD Anzahl</b></a></th>
				<th width="80"><a href="javascript:sortBy('year')" class="tHead"><b>Jahr</b></a></th>
				<th width="80"><a href="javascript:sortBy('concat(substring(@date, 7, 4),
	  substring(@date, 4, 2), substring(@date, 1, 2))')" class="tHead"><b>Date</b></a></th>
Has failed :/

compatibility tip

Posted: 2003-08-09 00:55:51
by Nicmae
Some people said that they're sad because this template doesn't run with Netscape, Opera, Safari,...

I'm not an xml master but i'm sure it's only because it use ActiveX in default.js: loadSource(sourceObj), getProcessor(transformObj), transformData() .
There is not an other method to work with these function? Usine only JavaScript?

I ask that because in my house 5 computer are in network, 2PC's on XP, 2 Mac on osX and another PC on Linux... Unfortunately only the 2 PC's on XP can view my list of films :-(

Posted: 2003-08-10 18:47:20
by antp
It should be possible to make it run in Geko (Mozilla and others), but the function names are different

This template

Posted: 2003-08-12 10:13:48
by ThePrincess
by the way, in place of copying/pasting all this, is this templ available for dl ?

Posted: 2003-08-14 16:31:42
by Keman
Hello, I would like to get a real link to the site instead of plain-text

Code: Select all

<br class="infoViewTable" /><br /> 
         <b>Site Web :</b>  <font color="#FF0000"><xsl:value-of select="web" /></font> 

Posted: 2003-08-17 18:31:45
by FireStarter
Is there a way to include an Apple Trailer link inside the movie information window? Or in the overview page?

Posted: 2003-08-21 16:11:36
by FireStarter
Well, I've already opened a topic for this problem, viewtopic.php?t=833.

First of all here is my site: ... index.html

I want to link a trailerlink $$ITEM_URL to the cover picture in the popup window. I don't know if that's possible?

And something else: Is there a way to add more pictures in the popup?

Something like this, rating info:

Age: ImageImageImageImage

Fear: Image
Violence: Image
Sex: Image
Abusive languageImage
Drugs: Image
Discrimination: Image

Anamorf: Image

Dolby Digital: Image
DTS: Image
2.0: Image
2.1: Image
5.1: Image
6.1 : Image
7.1: Image

So Lord of the Rings will be this:
I would like to add thoze to the popup, So Age/Videoformat/Soundformats isn't necessary.

Like here for example .

If it is possible, could you help me how to add it to the page, so I can add the rest by myself.

The Last thing: IS it possible to show the movielist in a special frame? So the filtersearch options will always be viewable?

So I've 3 questions:

1. Can I link a trailer to the cover?
2. Can I put more image in the popupwindow?
3. Could only the movielist be scrollable instead of the complete site?

New Improved Version

Posted: 2003-08-24 18:31:11
by Willspo
I've made some improvements to the template and started a new thread
"New Improved Version"


Bad URL --> New link

Posted: 2003-08-25 07:30:11
by Willspo
The link I posted before did'nt work so I posted a new one:

Question Willsp template (xslt)

Posted: 2003-09-10 15:31:19
by Guest
Hi all,

I am using willspo's script (great script !) but have one thing I want to add, but seems impossible for me...

Is it possible to add a button to the pop-up window, that'll print the contents of the pop-up window?! (Something in javascript)

I tried some things but it didn't work out...

Thanks in advance...

Posted: 2003-09-16 04:42:09
by Guest

It may be a stupid problem, but I can't get the little pictures of the stars to appear on the main page.
I've freshly installed the latest version of ANT, using IE 5.5 sp1, on Win2k. I've just got the details for a few movies using one of the built in IMDB scripts, and everything else seems to work, but I can't see the stars.
I've followed the installation instructions for this script, but it doesn't seem to work.

Posted: 2003-09-17 05:51:20
by *Guest* - Frau Holle
Where have you downloaded the script? In the german version there are no stars on the main page.

Posted: 2003-09-25 12:11:47
by Guest
Hi all,

Sorry, I'm new to this forum (and to Ant Movie Catalog) so maybe the question I'll ask has already been asked...

I saw this template, and it's wonderful, but it only allows you to filter on the category. Is there no way to add other filters, mainly one per letter (all films starting with letter "A") and one per year!

other question: why, when I go on all the site example mentionned in this thread, do I get the popup window with the film details on the right of my window, and not in the middle of it (I've to scroll right to get it all).


Posted: 2003-09-25 12:21:46
by Guest
Anonymous wrote:Hi all,

Sorry, I'm new to this forum (and to Ant Movie Catalog) so maybe the question I'll ask has already been asked...

I saw this template, and it's wonderful, but it only allows you to filter on the category. Is there no way to add other filters, mainly one per letter (all films starting with letter "A") and one per year!

other question: why, when I go on all the site example mentionned in this thread, do I get the popup window with the film details on the right of my window, and not in the middle of it (I've to scroll right to get it all).

My pop-up is in the middle... (on my screen and my pc). Perhaps some settings in IE or your display settings?

Posted: 2003-09-25 12:22:46
by Guest
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Hi all,

Sorry, I'm new to this forum (and to Ant Movie Catalog) so maybe the question I'll ask has already been asked...

I saw this template, and it's wonderful, but it only allows you to filter on the category. Is there no way to add other filters, mainly one per letter (all films starting with letter "A") and one per year!

other question: why, when I go on all the site example mentionned in this thread, do I get the popup window with the film details on the right of my window, and not in the middle of it (I've to scroll right to get it all).


My pop-up is in the middle... (on my screen and my pc). Perhaps some settings in IE or your display settings?
That was me,

Posted: 2003-09-25 16:16:07
by bbdoc
Yes indeed, I tried on another PC and it was centered!!! Strange...

Another question... I'm trying to modify some stuff in the template to personalize it... but I can't find the way to have the media Label appearing in the main page... I tried using "Label" and "MediaLabel" in the tags:

<xsl:value-of select="label" /> <xsl:value-of select="medialabel" />

Does someone know which tag I should use??? Is there a list somewhere??


Posted: 2003-09-27 17:12:35
by Fly
I just want to put the number of total movies with the variable $$TOTALMOVIES, but it doesn't work. Help me please!

Posted: 2003-09-28 10:27:56
by bbdoc
Hi again,

I'm trying to add some columns to the template... it works fine (I finally found the way to add the label)... but as I add more column, I have to scroll to get it all...

Does someone know how to change the size of other columns (such as Category, that is a lot to large for me!).


Re: Question Willsp template (xslt)

Posted: 2003-10-04 07:53:21
by Guest
Anonymous wrote:Hi all,

I am using willspo's script (great script !) but have one thing I want to add, but seems impossible for me...

Is it possible to add a button to the pop-up window, that'll print the contents of the pop-up window?! (Something in javascript)

I tried some things but it didn't work out...

Thanks in advance...
I am still waiting for an answer... :)