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Posted: 2010-01-08 21:31:45
by antp
Posted: 2010-01-09 09:02:43
by barenco
Hello everybody
I'm using AMC since 2002 and it's always been working perfectly. I took a break for almost a year, cause I didn't use my pc for quite a long time, and now I'm back. I'm updating some movies and I find that, whereas once the ACTORS field were filled with Name of the Actors (Name of the Carachters), now the field has only the Name of the Actors.
For example:
BEFORE: Uma Thurman (as The Bride), Lucy Liu (as O-Ren Ishii), Vivica A. Fox (as Vernita Green), Daryl Hannah (as Elle Driver), David Carradine (as Bill), Michael Madsen (as Budd), Julie Dreyfus (as Sofie Fatale), Chiaki Kuriyama (as Gogo Yubari), Sonny Chiba (as Hattori Hanzo)
AFTER: Uma Thurman, Lucy Liu, Vivica A. Fox, Daryl Hannah, David Carradine, Michael Madsen, Julie Dreyfus, Chiaki Kuriyama, Sonny Chiba, Chia Hui Liu, Michael Parks, Michael Bowen, Jun Kunimura, Kenji Ohba, Yuki Kazamatsuri
Is there a way to get the data the same way I used to get them??
Thank you very much

Posted: 2010-01-09 13:20:49
by bad4u
barenco wrote:Is there a way to get the data the same way I used to get them??
There is a script option "ActorsLayout" available. You find script options on the right side of scripting window, when you mark a script on the list (so that it's blue). Set this option to "2" for your layout.
Posted: 2010-01-09 16:27:21
by barenco

Silent Update
Posted: 2010-02-18 18:51:59
by RxDxP
Hi all,
is it possible to make the update of a big list of movies without asking the name of the movie when the URL is defined, so we can update with one click ratings, latest comments, etc
found it
Posted: 2010-02-18 19:10:04
by RxDxP
Hi, found it "BatchMode"=2
thanks for the script
Translated title/Original title
Posted: 2010-02-26 23:29:53
by drpluto
I just updated AMC, including the imdb script, and now the translated title of the movie is in the original title box and vice versa.
Anyone know a quick fix? Thanks
Posted: 2010-02-26 23:42:03
by salatoimikud
i installed Ant Movie Catalog latest version.
But if i want use IMDB script then it gives me
format % invalid or incompatible with argument
how fix that?
Re: Translated title/Original title
Posted: 2010-02-27 03:05:11
by bad4u
drpluto wrote:I just updated AMC, including the imdb script, and now the translated title of the movie is in the original title box and vice versa.
Anyone know a quick fix? Thanks
Do you mean on all the movies in your database or only if you download information from IMDb ? If it's for IMDb downloads only, please give an example, as it seems correct for me.
Posted: 2010-02-27 03:07:29
by bad4u
salatoimikud wrote:hi,
i installed Ant Movie Catalog latest version.
But if i want use IMDB script then it gives me
format % invalid or incompatible with argument
how fix that?
Did you download latest IMDb script from or through using script [ Update Scripts ] in the program ? If you click in the scripting window on IMDb script, you should see latest version 3.57 in the info box on the bottom of the window.
Posted: 2010-02-28 22:36:44
by salatoimikud
i updated this idm but it gives same error.
I tied other scripts but same error
I search movie (eg Max Payne), then comes importing data... (downloads picture and other data) and then comes this error...
Posted: 2010-02-28 22:51:05
by bad4u
salatoimikud wrote:I tied other scripts but same error
Try downloading and re-installing latest AMC version, if it happens with different scripts it's unlikely a problem of the script. Maybe your program or settings file are corrupted in some way.
Re: Translated title/Original title
Posted: 2010-02-28 23:22:11
by drpluto
bad4u wrote:drpluto wrote:I just updated AMC, including the imdb script, and now the translated title of the movie is in the original title box and vice versa.
Anyone know a quick fix? Thanks
Do you mean on all the movies in your database or only if you download information from IMDb ? If it's for IMDb downloads only, please give an example, as it seems correct for me.
Works fine now. Must have been a temporary glitch on imdb. Thanks for responding anyway.
Posted: 2010-03-01 09:54:36
by antp
Such error messages are usually due to an error in the translation file... which language were you using for the program? (well if it is fixed I guess it means that it was fixed in latest version)
Posted: 2010-03-01 12:19:00
by salatoimikud
Ok i used Estonian translation and all scripts doesnt worked.
Now i changed language to English and all scripts work

Posted: 2010-03-02 13:21:01
by antp
There are still problems in Estonian in the latest version of the program?
Posted: 2010-03-02 18:53:51
by antp
found the error:
on line 939 of Estonian.lng,
Messages.Strings.String[1]=Suurus: %. KB, klõpsa vaatamiseks
(accents may different, I opened the file on my western-europe Windows)
should be
Messages.Strings.String[1]=Suurus: %.0n KB, klõpsa vaatamiseks
Posted: 2010-03-07 13:39:58
by bad4u
antp wrote:Such error messages are usually due to an error in the translation file...
Didn't know that, but good to know

Posted: 2010-03-13 16:56:39
by alebleicker
Hi guys,
I'm trying to make the IMDB script load cover images but in big size, not the very small ones it usually does. Is there a way to do this or I'll need to modify the script? I'm researching a lot about but I couldn't find an answer for this issue.
Thanks !
Posted: 2010-03-13 19:23:41
by bad4u
alebleicker wrote:I'm trying to make the IMDB script load cover images but in big size, not the very small ones it usually does. Is there a way to do this or I'll need to modify the script? I'm researching a lot about but I couldn't find an answer for this issue.
Open scripting window and click on IMDB script once (so that it is marked blue). Now there should be a "Script options" frame on the right side of the window. Doubleclick on option "ImageKind" and change it to 4 or 5 for import of larger pictures, but not all movies will have links to large pictures (at least I guess so).