I've made an extremely
Russian-localized version of AMCphp 1.0 for our intranet 1TB Movie Server, containing 850 movies on hard disks, and called it
AMCphp Russian Edition.
Demo Site:
http://musicvideos.ru/videodb/ - default language is English, but you can change it in "Options" (
languages besides English & Russian just partially supported). Your browser must support win1251-codepage to view Cyrillic letters!
There are only local links to AVI-files, so don't try to download movies from this Demo-Site
ScreenShots: (with Russian interface)
AMCphp 1.0 Russian Edition Source code [30 KB]
Sample Video-Catalog [400 KB] (XML file only)
Pictures for Sample Video-Catalog [4,5 MB]
Unpack Sample Video Catalog and Pictures (
optional) into the "data"-subdirectory. Note, that all movie descriptions and people names are in Russian! But if you want to make Russian Video-Catalog, feel free to use it as a template for your base.
Main changes since original AMCphp 1.0:
- Changed design: new appearance and more compact conception
- Added Russian interface (language_russian.php)
- Added 12 new language strings to the end of files "language_russian.php" and "language_english.php" (
add & translate these strings to other language files, if you use them)
- Added Russian letters to the fast access panel by initial letters - linked them with "TranslatedTitles"
- Added Directory setting, where XML-file and all pictures placed (variable $xmlDir in "parser.php")
- Fixed errors in Java Scripts, lead before to non-working in IE with enabled "script debugging" (JS console appeared). String highlighting in movie list now working much faster - not slow even in tables with more than 800 movies (functions.js)
- Disabled all error reporting directly from PHP-scripts - now working well even on Web-servers with "error_reporring=E_ALL" in PHP settings
(added string "ini_set('display_errors','0');" before "session_start()")
- Changed types of columns in Movie List (Number, TranslatedTitle, OriginalTitle, Category, Country, Year)
- Changed to the common style fields "Runtime", "Category" and "Country" in Detailed View
- Changed presentation of field "Technical Information" in Detailed View
- Added search by "TranslatedTitle"
- Added links to Catalog filtering by the same "Country" and "Year" in Detailed View
- Added links to Detailed View of movies in Reports by Actors, Directors and Years (*_report.php)
- Treated field "Movie Rating" as "Movie Quality" (i.e. audio- & video-quality, determined manually)
- Treated field "Website" as "URL" of File-Server's corresponding directory, containing movie's AVI-file instead of default movie description
- Number of all movies in base is showed near the link "All" in category list
- Added category "New", implemented Catalog's reverse sort by movie numbers
- Some files link to local
BBClone's PHP-Counter (particularly to
http://musicvideos.ru/bbclone/ ), but you may leave this part of code as is, even if you don't need them - no errors will appear.
- Total size of source code is increased by 13 KB
Scripts may not work in configurations differing from my default, so change file "settings.php" carefully!
About speed...
As I said, my Video-Catalog contains 850 movies (size of XML-file >1 MB). Of course, AMCphp is working very slowly with it. Even after optimization of Web-Server's PHP-module with
Zend PHP Optimizer, AMCphp loads in 15 seconds, and all next operations takes about 5 seconds. Server's CPU is PIII-1133MHz, but even upgrade to P4-3GHz won't completely solve this problem, because we have about 100 new movies every month!
So I'm looking for other optimize methods (SQL-support, caching, dividing base to several files, etc) or even other (faster) AMC PHP-template...