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Posted: 2007-10-04 22:45:42
by antp
There was already a script for this site, but I guess that your is more complete?
I uploaded it with the other scripts on my server.
Posted: 2007-12-20 19:19:07
by AmBeR
My script for
Link below
Posted: 2007-12-20 19:37:08
by antp
What is it compared to the current script? (which had a version number of 1.3.9)
Posted: 2007-12-20 19:54:21
by AmBeR
Filmweb (PL) 1.3.9 script isn't working from 1 month, so I have written a new script from beginning.
Posted: 2007-12-21 13:09:20
by antp
OK, so thanks

It would maybe be better to call it version 2.0 then
Posted: 2007-12-24 15:25:22
by AmBeR
New version
Code: Select all Beta (24.12.2007)
- changing major version to 2.x.x.x
- improved search when year exists
- small changes
Link below
Posted: 2007-12-24 16:42:57
by antp
Posted: 2007-12-27 22:04:31
by AmBeR
Link below
Posted: 2007-12-29 08:26:44
by Corey
AmBeR, script from Klemens (v 1.3.9) was and IS working for me fine - I've used it a few times over the last month without problems. Last time yesterday and it found all the info for all AMC fields. So please explain this
Filmweb (PL) 1.3.9 script isn't working from 1 month, so I have written a new script from beginning.
Posted: 2007-12-29 11:50:03
by AmBeR
I don't now, by me over the last month Filmweb (PL) 1.3.9 script was not working.
So I have written own script.
If Filmweb (PL) 1.3.9 script working by You fine, then please use it, there is no compulsion to use my script, my script is only a alternative.
Posted: 2007-12-29 17:50:47
by antp
What one shall I inlude? Do both script give same results?
Posted: 2007-12-31 22:34:16
by Corey
AmBeR, I just wanted to know what was exactly wrong with Klemens' script, because I thought I've missed something.
Please check if you accidently haven't switched to 1.2.1 wersion of filmweb, that is more than year old and not working (antp, pls delete "Filmweb (PL) (obrazek i kraj produkcji).ifs" from your script base, because it's the old and not working version of 1.3.9 script).
I have now tested both AmBeR and Klemens 1.3.9 script (Filmweb (PL).ifs) and they are both working. AmBeR's script can gather more info, but sometimes it writes out some of the html code (try polish movie "Zemsta"). Klemens meets all my needs (it fills out all the necesary fields), but with a little more polishing AmBeR script would be very good and powerfull tool.
Posted: 2008-01-03 22:31:14
by AmBeR
@Corey: I don't now, I don't exactly analyse what was wrong, some filed was empty by me (like descryption, actors and with pictures). Now, I have tested this script yet, all works fine, I don't understand.
In one week, I publish a new version of my script, with:
- when no akcepted description exist, search for no akcepted description,
- correct html codes in description field,
- and some more.
Now I working on something like AVIList, but with more functions and gathering info with MediaInfo.dll.
Sorry for my english ;D
Posted: 2008-01-07 00:02:47
by AmBeR
Code: Select all Beta (07.01.2008)
- when no akcepted description exist, search for no akcepted description
- correct html codes in description field
- minor changes and fixes
Posted: 2008-01-15 18:17:25
by castortray
I have error:
Format '%d' invalid or incompatibile with argument
AMC version[/img]
Posted: 2008-01-16 11:14:16
by antp
I guess that you use a translation for Ant Movie Catalog ? Which one? Seeing that error message, it probably means that there is a bug in the translation file.
Posted: 2008-01-16 15:30:29
by castortray
I use polish language, maybe this is a problem, when I back to home, I will check it.
Posted: 2008-01-16 19:08:41
by antp
I checked and indeed there is an error in this file. Actually it tries to notify you that there is an error in the script, but as there is an error in the error message (!) it fails.
Open "polish.lng" file with Notepad or any text editor, search for something like
Code: Select all
Messages.Strings.String[0]=B³¹d skryptu : %s w linii %d (%s)
(instead of ³¹ there should be some polish-specific accents) and modify it to
Code: Select all
Messages.Strings.String[0]=B³¹d skryptu "%s" : %s w linii %d
for example.
Original message was
Code: Select all
Messages.Strings.String[0]=Script error in "%s": %s at line %d
and parameters must be kept in same order, or a number as to be added for each parameter to specify its original position.
Filweb 1.3.9 problem with movie "Angel-A"
Posted: 2008-01-17 19:42:14
by zach23
Hi - I am using Filmweb script 1.3.9. It seems scripts converts "spacing symbols" ("." "_" "-") to "space" ... The result is, that scrips doesn't find movie "Angel-A", but using a search on filmweb website there are no problems.
Is there any way to block it or change? Where do I need to look for it?
Thanks in advance!
Posted: 2008-01-17 20:15:11
by antp
It works with the current 2.0 script, try to update it using "update scripts" or by downloading it from
Else did you try to simply search "angel"?