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Posted: 2003-03-13 17:25:43
by Willspo
Okipa: Why don't you write here in english what you want me to change instead? I don't understand french.
Posted: 2003-03-17 21:01:38
by Okipa
Ok, here is your picture...
I will modify a little your template...
First, when you look at the pictures, you see a search engine, and category film...i will delete this...
After i will have a vertical line at the right of the list...
Try do delete the 1,2,3,4,5,... and call films by alphabtic order...
After, i will modify the window who open when you click on a film ti see details...
I think, have all the list is to much, so 25 film per page is great...
Titre - Note (étoiles)
Genre :
Production : Pays / Année
Réalisateur :
Acteurs :
Description :
Infos DivX
Durée :
Nombre de CD :
Codec :
Son : Type / (128) kpbs
here is the modification to made on your template...
i hope that you understand the last mofification...
Posted: 2003-03-20 01:47:20
by jan_hut
Paramount Jay rules!!!!!
great template
Posted: 2003-03-22 09:44:15
by lukecs
ok it looks sweet
The only thing is it doesn't work for my list of over 500 movies. Works fine if I only export a few but I can't do the whole thing.
As well is there anyway that you could have other filters... like filter it so that it only displays 1999 movies, movies with a rating of 8?
Posted: 2003-03-22 13:01:28
by *Guest* - Frau Holle
Hi lukecs,
For me it works with 900 movies. What doesn't function? If you export your 500 movies to the movies.xml, are they all in these file? If yes there is an error. Try to export 250 movies. If it's okay, try 300. If it's not okay, try 275, and so on. If you have the movie, who caused this error, post all information (from the movies.xml) about this movie here.
If you wan't to have more specialized filters, an other concept have to be build. Now, the informations come from a flat-file. For each filter you have to write a selection in the transform.xml. The expenses are with every filter more and more. You need a database-structure like php if you wan't to select fast and specialised.
found the problem
Posted: 2003-03-22 21:10:45
by lukecs
Seems the script doesn't work when a movie tittle has the & character. If I get rid of this it runs, although it seems a little slow.
Posted: 2003-03-22 21:13:17
by antp
It has to be replaced by & I guess...
Posted: 2003-03-22 21:27:19
by Tie
So i found one little problem. i edited the template and just added the number of cds. so far no prob.
but when 1 sort by the amount and i have on one movie more than 10 cds (band of brothers) this movie is not on the top. the same is when i sort by rating. moviez with a rating "10" are just above "1"
how can i correct the sort?
Posted: 2003-04-01 01:43:53
by vince
Did you find some problems with IE with this template??
Because there are some computer (at work for example) where my site doesn't work at all.(no display at all, i only just have the blank screen)
What version of IE is required ? v6 ?
Thks for help
resizing pictures
Posted: 2003-04-10 03:41:23
by ben
how do i resize a picture for a 352x240 pixel picture. the default settings are stretching it. anyway i can do this from in the transform.xml file.
Posted: 2003-04-11 16:35:06
by *Guest* - Frau Holle
search in your style_default.css for this:
Code: Select all
.largePicture {
width: 333px;
height: 475px;
Sure you can change it to 352x240. But I prefer to delete one of this sizes. Height or width. Than you have on all Pictures the proportion like the original picture. Change it to:
reposted dialog accidently posted as a different thread
Posted: 2003-04-15 18:02:41
by wheaton
Guest Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 9:51 pm Post subject: Feature request to this template
Scenario I have a CD with Trailers downloaded from the internet. File name is a constant and Drive letter is variable. Idea is that we could add a field in the catalog for filename. Then on the left side navigation of this template have a dropdown that could ask for which drive letter. (in case I loan this cd to a friend. Would be really nice with the above to have a hotlink generated with the necessary info (ie. <driveletter><filename>.xxx) My best idea would be a graphic that is greyed out if preview is not available and color if it is.
Im really not sure how much intrest there would be in this. But with more and more studios offering downloadable trailers it is might look really cool.
Another subset idea would be that if the file is not available on the disk that It could point to a presupplied URL perhaps from
Also links to movie website if available..
Site Admin Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 10:22 pm Post subject:
looks quite complicated and specific stuff
I'll add possibility to put file links, for more we'll see later...
Guest Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 10:27 pm Post subject: Is there any clarification needed to the idea?
I would be happy to help in whatever way.
I thank you so much for this great program. And as soon as money gets better I will be sending my donation in. I thought of this because I sometimes dump this template and all the content to a cd because my collection is so big. So I got the idea to add trailers to the cd with the extra space. So the idea kinda merged in with what my previous post was about.
Again Thanks for a great program.
Guest Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 10:31 pm Post subject: just to be sure its clear. thats the template.. I don't know how to link to the forum page that better describes the template im refering to.. I should have posted my original message under that topic.. I wasnt thinking clearly.. sorry..
Guest Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 10:35 pm Post subject: last post
here is the link to the template I am refering to.
Is there any intrest in this? I think it would be a nice addition to those who are in a similar situation and love this template!!! thanks for the input.
Need somthing extra
Posted: 2003-04-27 19:58:27
by FiNaLBeTa
I need a template to be used on my movie board.
I need codec info size resolution.
Where and how do i change that?
Would be ever so grathfull
tv option
Posted: 2003-04-29 02:25:46
by ben__001
ok the resizing of pics worked, thank you. i just have a couple of more question about the tv.hta part of the template. when i click play how can i change it to say please insert "name of movie" instead of number. and can i change the default player to something else either than windows media player?
Thank you
Posted: 2003-04-29 22:27:54
by *Guest* - Frau Holle
I don't use the play-function. And I haven't try it. So MAKE A BACKUP of the transform.xml, before you try it.
Search for:
Code: Select all
<xsl:value-of select="number" />,
'<xsl:value-of select="media" />'
And change it to:
Code: Select all
Please insert <xsl:value-of select="title" /> ben,
'<xsl:value-of select="media" />'
I haven't found a declaration where Willspo says which Player should be used. So the template uses the standard-player. Try to change this:
(I don't have the english Windows version, so the names can be different!
1. Open the explorer (not IE
2. Go to the register card "extras"
3. There click on the last one "folder options"
4. Register card "data types"
5. Search for "avi" (later mpeg,mpg,divx too)
6. Click on the button "configure or change or a kind of"
7. Search for your Player.
8. OK
Posted: 2003-04-29 23:01:09
by ben__001
changing number to title did not work. i just get an error now. any ideas?
Posted: 2003-05-10 10:08:32
by Guest
great template... but i would like to see Translated Title (Original Title) on the Main Page... not only Translated Title.. where do i have to make the change?
Posted: 2003-05-10 11:19:47
by Willspo
To Guest
Replace (in transform.xml)
Code: Select all
<xsl:value-of select="substring-before( title[contains(., '(')], '(' )" />
<xsl:value-of select="title[not(contains( ., '(' ))]" />
To ben
Frau Holle code was almost correct. But the function needs the media variable. So change it to this:
Code: Select all
'<xsl:value-of select="title" />', '<xsl:value-of select="media" />'
To controll the player application from the template: Search for:
and replace it by:
Code: Select all
var playerPath = "D:\\Progra~1\\BSPlayer\\bplay.exe"; + " " + file);
Where playerPath is the path to your player software. The path have to be with double slashes and 8byte -dos filenames (for example Program files = progra~1).
To FiNaLBeTa
The template is a bit slow on the Internet but if you still want to use it you have to add the information in movies.xml. For example
Code: Select all
And then you have to modify transform.xml. Search for col_director and place a block like this after that block.
Code: Select all
<td class="movieList">
<span id="col_resolution">
<xsl:value-of select="resolution" />
That will make resolution apear in the list view. If you also would like it to apear in the close-up view you have to add similar code further down in transform.xml. Search for <xsl:template match="movie" mode="info_view"> and you will find where. For example add:
Code: Select all
<b>Resolution:</b> <xsl:value-of select="resolution" />
after this line:
Code: Select all
<b>Category:</b> <xsl:value-of select="category" />
To Tie
You have to sort this column like it where numbers and not text strings. In sortBy function change:
Code: Select all
addParam("sort_data_type", "text");
Code: Select all
addParam("sort_data_type", "number");
But this will probably mess up the other sorts but you could easily get around it with an if or something
Good Luck!:D
Posted: 2003-05-10 15:54:01
by ben__001
uh you said to change
var playerPath = "D:\\Progra~1\\BSPlayer\\bplay.exe"; + " " + file);
from within the template? im going to assume that u meant in the play.js since that line doesnt exsist in the template. im a correct in assuming this?
Posted: 2003-05-10 16:10:00
by ben__001
ok. it all works. thanks.
i got another question though. how can the director and year columns be removed from the main view window and be replaced with the movie length.