Saving or exporting pictures with customized name

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Saving or exporting pictures with customized name

Post by fulvio53s03 »

I would like to export my catalog in html or save it in xml giving a personalized name to every picture.
Fo example:
year of the film + upload date + original title. If the year is missing I would like '0000'; if the upload date is missing I would like '00/00/00' (or similar).
Is it possible? :??:
How can I do? :p
Thank you.
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Re: Saving or exporting pictures with customized name

Post by antp »

You should be able to do that via script.
These functions should be useful for that:

function ExportPicture(filename: string): Boolean;
Exports the picture of current movie in specified directory with specified name.
You can use PictureExt function to know picture extension.

function GetPictureExt: string;
Returns picture extension if current movie has a picture, '' otherwise.
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Re: Saving or exporting pictures with customized name

Post by fulvio53s03 »

antp wrote: 2024-04-20 08:33:12 You should be able to do that via script.
Thank you. I ever valutated this way..... :p
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Re: Saving or exporting pictures with customized name

Post by fulvio53s03 »

Very well, done! :clapping:
It's possible (and quite easy) to save pictures with choosen names using a script.
Exported pictures will be subsequently reloaded using importpicture2.
Another question about exporting images: is it possible to set image resolution when saving (or reloading) ?
Thank you! :hihi:
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Re: Saving or exporting pictures with customized name

Post by antp »

There is a ConvertPicture function, but it changes the picture of the catalog.
If you want to change the exported image it is probably easier to do that with some other tool allowing to batch-resize pictures (e.g. XnView)
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