Script Unit - Json - JsonTools.pas

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Script Unit - Json - JsonTools.pas

Post by boyerf »


I have worked on a new script ans I need to use JSON file structure.
Is there a possibility to use the JsonTools library in AMC ? This is a small pascal based json parser in one unit with no dependencies.

I don't no if it's easily adaptable.

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Re: Script Unit - Json - JsonTools.pas

Post by antp »

I'm not sure if it would be easy to adapt that unit into a .pas file to be included in a script.
It would probably be easier to include it directly in AMC itself, and add to the script engines the needed functions to interface with that parser.
However I don't know when I would have time to do that, as I have already so many things to do :/
Maybe it would be easier to write a very basic Json parser with AMC's script engine? I would still represent some work though...
Or just parse the Json like we parse the HTML.
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Joined: 2009-07-20 18:24:33

Re: Script Unit - Json - JsonTools.pas

Post by boyerf »

Thank for your response. Yes for the moment, I will use a simple parse method for json.
I work on a script for TMDB. I think it will be interesting for some people's here.

Best !
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