2do: problem with cyrillic input

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2do: problem with cyrillic input

Post by Guest »

Actually, the program is great. The idea is good, and the achievement is quite elegant. But as I'm from Russia, I came across the subj problem just in a first second;)

In a left pane, where you can see items and subitems, Russian goes good. But in a right pane, where a specific text of item or subitem is entered, you can see only senseless symbols when you try to type in Russian:(((

I don't know, is it really is a problem with 2do, or a problem with my regional options or somewhat in my WinXP Pro, anyway I would like to get a piece of advice, because I'm eager to use 2do program in my everyday life.

Thank you anyway beforehand;)
Posts: 1
Joined: 2004-11-15 15:39:36

Post by StrangeSavage »

I'm awfully sorry, the 'guest' post is mine.
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Post by antp »

I made this program years ago, and I do not really know what could cause that. It is maybe because I selected a different font for the right part (Courier New).
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