[REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.1 released

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Re: [REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.1 released

Post by mrobama »

Version 4.0.1 released

Upgrade instruction: download the zip file and extract in your scripts dir ( C:\ProgramData\Ant Movie Catalog\Scripts ) or use "[ UPDATE SCRIPTS ]" and follow the instructions.

IMDb minor fix: now you can optionally use ttXYZ id movie to take exact movie. Example: if you use tt0076759 you will get "star wars: a new hope" movie info; if you use "star wars" as movie title you will get a list of star wars movies and you have to select the right one. ttXYZ shortcut only works if you use only ttXYZ in the title input box, without further text
MyMovies minor fix: avoid description and comment duplication

Rilasciata la versione 4.0.1

Istruzioni sull'aggiornamento: scarica il file zip ed estrailo nella cartella scripts ( C:\ProgramData\Ant Movie Catalog\Scripts ) oppure usa "[ UPDATE SCRIPTS ]" e segui le istruzioni

IMDb modifiche minori: ora puoi effettuare una ricerca usando l'identificativo IMDb del film ttXYZ per ottenere direttamente le informazioni di quel film. Esempio: se usi tt0076759 otterrai la scheda di "Star Wars IV - Una nuova speranza"; se invece ricerchi con "star wars" come titolo del film otterrai un elenco di tutti i film di "star wars" e dovrai selezionare quello corretto. Questa scorciatoia per funzionare correttamente richiede che come nome del film sia usato solo l'identificativo corretto senza ulteriore testo
MyMovies modifiche minori: evita descrizione e commento duplicati
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Re: [REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.1 released

Post by antp »

Thanks, updated on the server :)
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Joined: 2022-02-02 00:03:55

Re: [REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.2 released

Post by MrObama2022 »

Italian Multisite 4.0.2 released

Upgrade instruction: download the zip file and extract in your scripts dir ( C:\ProgramData\Ant Movie Catalog\Scripts ) or use "[ UPDATE SCRIPTS ]" and follow the instructions.

ItalianSharedPas minor fix: added missing UTF8 special chars (thank you fulvio53s03), now filmtv.it special chars should be fixed
ComingSoon minor fix: fixed wrong title in search result
MyMoviesPas minor fix: better Description and Comments duplicates handling (but it's not yet perfect ...)
ImdbPas minor fix: skip "Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot." Description

By the way, I changed my account from MrObama to MrObama2022 ...
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Re: [REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.1 released

Post by antp »

I updated it on the server.

I notice a small potential error,
str := StringReplace(str, 'é', 'é');
str := StringReplace(str, 'ã©', 'é');
One of the two should be É I suppose? It should not be the same character for both

For the decoding failures, did you find if it was each time the same character sequence that cause it?
If so maybe it would be easier to remove the guilty part before using the automatic conversion.
Or does it seems rather random?
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Re: [REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.1 released

Post by MrObama2022 »

Hi antp. Thank you for your feedback. About é and ã©:
é was added by Fulvio here: viewtopic.php?p=74792#p74792
ã© was added by me in my latest post. I'm sure ã© is not É, maybe it's è, I'll double check in next days. But here in Italy it's not so "serious" if you switch è and é, but I'll check this.

About decoding failures: I don't know if all work fine using Windows 10 or 11 setting UTF-8 as default character, in Windows 10 or 11 in Italy the default character is not UTF-8 and few italian people set it as default (maybe some developers ...). Maybe, using UTF-8 characters as default you have no problems at all and no need to convert, I never tested. I don't know how all this work outside Italy.

I use Windows 8.1 with standard charset and I need to convert from UTF-8. All the standard conversion method used in other Ant scripts fail with FilmTV (I'm quite sure this fails also with other italian sites, but I don't remember which ones). The failure with FilmTV happens every time FilmTV uses special chars in any url of the site.
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Re: [REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.1 released

Post by antp »

Maybe the URLs should not be decoded or something like that, but then decoding the whole page fails?
Do you decode the whole page or each value before using the "SetField..." functions?
If it is the first case, maybe doing the latter one may work better for sites where pages have encoding errors like that.
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