how can i modify the imdb script so that it capture the data from imdb in encoding western european (windows) and not in chinese encoding (i am browsing websites with this set as default)
eg Fernán Gómez capture become Fern??n G??mez (??=chinese characters)
how to modify script to get imdb with encoding in western
This does not depend of web pages / Internet Explorer settings, but probably from your Windows settings.
In current version accentuated characters are displayed with Windows locale settings.
Next version (4.0) will use unicode under Windows NT/2000/XP, so this problem will be solved (not for Win9x/ME)
In current version accentuated characters are displayed with Windows locale settings.
Next version (4.0) will use unicode under Windows NT/2000/XP, so this problem will be solved (not for Win9x/ME)
I have this function in one of my scripts. It converts an Unicode (UTF8) text to Ascii Latin-1, droping all non-translatable characters.
Code: Select all
function UTF8ToAscii(text:string):string;
for i:=1 to length(text) do
if c>=192 then
if c>127 then c:=first+(c-128);
if c<256 then result:=result+chr(c);
Since AMC3 does not support unicode, I do not think that it would be possible to display anything else than Chinese characters (like for European users it is not possible to display Chinese characters).
What you could do is to use the StringReplace function in a script to replace 'é' by 'e' etc. for all accentuated characters in all the fields that may contain them.
What you could do is to use the StringReplace function in a script to replace 'é' by 'e' etc. for all accentuated characters in all the fields that may contain them.
As I said, it is not possible to display anything else than the locale character set of Windows.
With chinese locale set, the "é" and other "special" character have another meaning than on a Windows configured for US & West-Europe.
What you have is to replace the character that has the value of a "é" by a "e", etc.
The only difficult thing may be to insert the character in the script if Windows does not let you do it.
Even if it is displayed as a chinese character, internally it is the same value than a "é" (followed by another character).
With chinese locale set, the "é" and other "special" character have another meaning than on a Windows configured for US & West-Europe.
What you have is to replace the character that has the value of a "é" by a "e", etc.
The only difficult thing may be to insert the character in the script if Windows does not let you do it.
Even if it is displayed as a chinese character, internally it is the same value than a "é" (followed by another character).