Suggestions regarding the Internet-search feature

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Suggestions regarding the Internet-search feature

Post by bmm »


First I should say that I mostly use this great program to catalog books and articles with a literature-translation I have made of the program.

I have set up quite a few internet-sites where I can search for the title of a book. Unfortunately there is one site (my university-library) where it doesn't follow the normal standard regarding searches with more than one word.

Example. If I try to look up "Beginning PHP4" AMC produces the following address. The site recognizes only the first word. ... nning+PHP4

To make it work it should put "&V1=" between each word instead of "+" ... ng&V1=PHP4

Can you make an option where I could specify what to put between words? For instance if I could define "%s1" or something to be a different setup than "%s"

It would also be nice if I could specify searches on other fields than just "Original Title". I would like to search on "Translated Title" (Author in my case), Director, Producer, Actors (Keywords in my case) and Resolution (ISBN-code in my case).

Finally would it be possible to make sub-folders in the internet-search-sites-list? I have a pretty long list already.

Bent Madsen
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Post by antp »

If there are three words, it will be &V2 for the 3rd word I guess ?
It will be a little complicated to manage, I think... I will see what I can do.

For the search and the list of sites, I will probably do something for that, to enhance this feature, but I do not know right now how to do it. I will probably use XML to store this configuration, so it will allow to have subfolders and properties for each item (e.g. of a property : which field has to be used for the search).

Post by Guest »

If there are three words, it will be &V2 for the 3rd word I guess ?

I thought so at first but I have found out that at this site I can use &V1 for every word in the search and it works as it should. It is possible to use different numbers for each word but not nessesary.

So at this time I'm only asking for a simple replacement of "+"

Post by bmm »

I might as well continue with some other observations in the program.

When using group by and right-clicking on the "header" of a group, it would be nice if choosing "Check selected" would check all the movies in this group.

When using Find and having "Display results" marked it is not easy to edit the searchtext. It will jump to the end of the search text for each letter I type. I don't know if this is a result of the fact that it updates the movie-list each time you type.
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Post by antp »

bmm wrote: When using group by and right-clicking on the "header" of a group, it would be nice if choosing "Check selected" would check all the movies in this group.
Good idea, I will see if I can do that easily.
bmm wrote: When using Find and having "Display results" marked it is not easy to edit the searchtext. It will jump to the end of the search text for each letter I type. I don't know if this is a result of the fact that it updates the movie-list each time you type.
Yes, this problem is caused by the updated at each key pressed. I have to arrange that.
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Post by micagordon »

Wow...very old post. I just want to find some resolutions related isbn and making isbn bar code in word, and google took me here.
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